The information provided by Query Analyzer can be complex to understand and resolve into simple targets and resolutions for your MySQL client application. The information can be used in different ways to find problems in your queries or your servers, or both. Provided below are some tips on how to get the best out of the Query Analyzer interface, and how to identify different queries and problems based on the information shown by the Query Analyzer system.
First, consider the information provided by individual columns by your queries. In particular, the following columns can highlight specific problems with your queries or database server:
Execution Count — High execution counts, especially for a query that you expect to be executed very rarely, may indicate that your MySQL client application is either running a simple query to frequently, or may be running a query multiple times that could otherwise be cached. You should pay particular attention to queries where the execution count increases significantly in a short period of time compared to the normal execution rate.
How to find: Use the sort feature to sort the queries by execution count.
New queries — new queries appearing in the Query Analyzer tab, especially if they appear after other queries have been in the display for a number of hours or days may indicate a number of issues:
Execution times — long execution times, and a long max execution time compared to the average execution time may indicate a problem with a specific query and specific parameters.
How to find: Use the sort feature to sort the queries by execution count.
You can also use the filtering and sort options to get specific information about potential problem queries.