This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.1.0.
Functionality added or changed:
The smallest purge log time interval that could be set in the Dashboard was one week. MySQL Enterprise Monitor was changed to allow setting the smallest purge log time interval to one day. (Bug#46822)
Certain heat chart rules cannot be unscheduled or disabled, this is because they are required for correct operation of MySQL Enterprise Monitor. Should an attempt be made to unschedule or disable one of these heat chart rules, a suitable message is now displayed, explaining this requirement. (Bug#46535)
If you are monitoring one instance of MySQL server mysqld and then upgrade that MySQL server, the correct version of the MySQL server is not displayed in the Dashboard. The agent will now perform a re-synchronization of the inventory if it identifies that the server has gone away and that the monitored MySQL has been upgraded. (Bug#38409)
Bugs fixed:
The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent could fail to reconnect to a monitored MySQL instance if the agent was started while the MySQL instance was unavailable. (Bug#50797)
It was possible to updated an existing email notification list with two email addresses in the destination without a required comma between the addresses. Addresses are now validated during the editing phase to ensure that this does not occur. (Bug#50161)
The agent could not be installed on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) due to an incompatibility in the XML libraries used. (Bug#50126)
Deleting users within MySQL Enterprise Service Manager could lead to errors in the repository database that would affect further operations involving the deleted user. (Bug#49896)
When creating a new instance by copying an existing agent
configuration, it is possible to create an orphaned agent. The
recommended advice is to TRUNCATE
table. However, doing this
could lead to additional errors and an exception when the
scheduled data updates on the now orphaned agent are executed.
Monitoring a MySQL 4.0 server would fail because MySQL 4.0 did not support table-level character set support. (Bug#49082)
The agent installer for Solaris on x64 would fail due to a library linker issue duing the post-installation phase of the installer. (Bug#48336)
Support has been added for SNMPv2 traps in addition to the existing SNMPv1 traps. You can configure the version to use for SNMP traps, see ???.
In addition, support has also been added to send SNMP notifications to two hosts in place of just one host. Notifications are sent to both hosts simultaneously. (Bug#47686, Bug#48955)
Support issues can have a Severity from S1 through S4, but can also have a value of “NS” meaning “No Severity Set”. MySQL Enterprise Monitor was not able to parse this, which resulted in errors such as the following:
2009-09-23 13:53:51,812 ERROR [] error consuming successful response java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class$Severity.NS at java.lang.Enum.valueOf( ...
The pagination of errors within MySQL Enterprise Dashboard for MySQL Enterprise Service Manager logging made it difficult to identify the true source of the error. (Bug#47464)
An additional link has been added to the Configure What's New page to link to the relevant documentation. (Bug#47256)
Some strings in the What's New tab of MySQL Enterprise Dashboard had not been translated from English to Japanese. (Bug#47203)
The diagnostic report file has been updated so that the filename of the report includes the timestamp when the report was generated. (Bug#47164)
When the Configuring and troubleshooting this feed link was clicked it opened the help screen in the current browser window, rather than in a new window.
The link can be found on the What's New tab, at the bottom of the Important Product-Related Announcements section, in the Welcome to the "What's New?" Live Feed! sub-section. (Bug#47145)
The links for further information on the What's New feed were invalid. (Bug#47133)
When the Help link was clicked in the Dashboard, the following script error was generated:
row: 32 char: 5 error: object expected code: 0 URL:
This only happened when using Internet Explorer. (Bug#47065)
The times used for queries in Query Analyzer would not match the time set for the user's timezone and browser setting. (Bug#47040)
The date format in the configure what's new popup on the What's New? tab did not reflect the locale set in the User Preferences page. (Bug#46901)
Two links in the Agent installer were incorrect.
The link should have pointed to Also, the link should have pointed to (Bug#46812)
and CALL
statments did not show a rows graph within the statement popup
graph tab.
When updating your scription after the subscription has expired, the ability to update your advisor bundle was not available. (Bug#46700)
The task message for a given server within the agent would be logged at the incorrect level. Messages are now logged at the message level. (Bug#46681)
Pressing cancel on a popup would cause a page reload, instead of just closing the popup window. (Bug#46604)
The cry for help email included a stack trace, however it was displayed on a single line without any line breaks. (Bug#46458)
If the Last link was clicked on the Infrastructure logs page, the following error was generated:
Error Message fromIndex(400) > toIndex(31)
The Windows installers for MySQL Enterprise Service Manager did not include 64-bit versions of the various binary tools. (Bug#45682)
The agent could get into a state where it loop through the resynchronization of the core data, without reporting information to the service manager, causing gaps in the data. (Bug#45382)
The IP address of the agent host on FreeBSD 7 systems would not be reported correctly. (Bug#45079)