This is GParted live 0.9.0-7. New in this release: * The underlying GNU/Linux operating system is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Jul/28). * Bug fixed: Packages ntfs-3g and libntfs3g were downgraded to 2011.1.15AR.4-2. ( * Gdisk was updated to 0.7.2, and compiled without unicode support. Therefore no more libicu44 is included. This makes the GParted live iso file smaller by about 6 MB. MD5SUMS c0865090d283bfc32c7529f9009db937 gparted-live-0.9.0-7.iso a77406d8881d935d57c7df94c280754b SHA1SUMS 63cda883130e3d9b95e01888bde681ebf98c9791 gparted-live-0.9.0-7.iso ad67fa7c2bf7e9bdedc2541977d6618570a27012