File abbrev.lst
Appendix to 1913 Webster: p. lxix and lxx
a., adj. ---------- adjective
abbrev. ---------- abbreviated
abl. ---------- ablative
Abp. ---------- Archbishop
acc. ---------- accusative
Acous. ---------- Acoustics
act. ---------- active
adv. ---------- adverb
Agric. ---------- Agriculture
Alban. ---------- Albanian
Alg. ---------- Algebra
Am., Amer. ---------- America, American
Am. ---------- Amos
Am. Cyc. ---------- Appleton's American Cyclopedia
Anal. Geom. ---------- Analytical Geometry
Anat. ---------- Anatomy
Anc. ---------- Ancient, anciently
Angl. Ch. ---------- Anglican Church
Antiq. ---------- Aniquities
aor. ---------- aorist
Ar. ---------- Arabic
Arch. ---------- Architecture
Arch. Pub. Soc. ---------- Architectural Pub. Society
Arith. ---------- Arithmetic
Arm., Armor. ---------- Armorican
AS. ---------- Anglo-Saxon
Astrol. ---------- Astrology
Astron. ---------- Astronomy
aug. ---------- augmentative
Bank. ---------- Banking
Beau. & Fl. | ---------- Beaumont & Fletcher
B. & Fl. |
Bib. ---------- Biblical
Bib. Sacra ---------- Bibliotheca Sacra
Bibliog. ---------- Bibliography
Biol. ---------- Biology
Bisc. ---------- Biscayan
B. Jon. ---------- Ben Jonson
Bk. of Com. Prayer -------- Book of Common Prayer
Blackw. Mag. ---------- Blackwood's Magazine
Bohem. ---------- Bohemian
Bot. ---------- Botany, botanical
Bp. ---------- Bishop
Brande & C. ---------- Brande & Cox
Braz. ---------- Brazilian
Brit. Critic ---------- British Critic
Brit. Quar. Rev. --------- British Quarterly Review
Burl. ---------- Burlesque
C. ---------- Centigrade
Cant. ---------- Canticles (Song of Solomon)
Carp. ---------- Carpentry
Catal. ---------- Catalan
Cath. Dict. ---------- Catholic Dictionary
Celt. ---------- Celtic
Cf. ---------- Confer (compare)
Ch. ---------- Church
Chald. ---------- Chaldee
Chem. ---------- Chemistry
Ch. Hist. ---------- Church History
Chin. ---------- Chinese
Chron. ---------- Chronology, Chronicles
Civ. ---------- Civil
Class. ---------- Classical
Class. Myth. ---------- Classical Mythology
Col. ---------- Colossians
Colloq., coll. ---------- Colloquial, colloquially
Com. ---------- Commerce, Common
comp. ---------- compound, compounded, composition
compar. ---------- comparative
conj. ---------- conjunction
Con. Sect. ---------- Conic Sections
contr. ---------- contracted, contraction
Copt. ---------- Coptic
Corn. ---------- Cornish
corrupt. ---------- corrupted, corruption
Cotgr. ---------- Cotgrave
Cyc. Med. ---------- Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine
Crim. Law ---------- Criminal Law
Crystallog. ---------- Crystallography
Cyc. ---------- Cyclopedia
D. ---------- Dutch
Dan. ---------- Danish, Daniel
dat. ---------- dative
def. ---------- definitions
Deut. ---------- Deuteronomy
Dial. ---------- Dialectic
dim. ---------- diminutive
Diosc. ---------- dioscorides
Disp. ---------- Dispensatory
Disus. ---------- Disused
Dom. Econ. ---------- Domestic Economy
Dublin Univ. Mag. ---------- Dublin University Magazine
Dyn. ---------- Dynamics
E. ---------- English
Eccl. ---------- Ecclesiastical, Ecclesiastes
Eccl. Hist. ---------- Ecclesiastical History
Ecclus. ---------- Ecclesiasticus
Eclec. Rev. ---------- Eclectic Review
Ed. Rev. ---------- Edinburgh Review
e. g. ---------- exemplia gratia (for example)
Egypt. ---------- Egyptian
Elect. ---------- Electricity, Electrical
emph. ---------- emphatic
Encyc. ---------- Encyclopedia
Encyc. Amer. ---------- Encyclopedia Americana
Encyc. Crit. ---------- Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyc. Dict. ---------- Hunter's Encyclopedic Dictionary
Eng. ---------- England, English
Eng. ---------- Engraving
Eng. Cyc. ---------- English Cyclopedia
Engin. ---------- Engineering
Eol. ---------- Eolic
Eph., Ephes. ---------- Ephesians
equiv. ---------- equivalent
Esd. ---------- Esdras
esp. ---------- especially
Etch. & Eng. ---------- Etching & Engraving
Ethnol. ---------- Ethnology
etym., etymol. ---------- etymology
Ex., Exod. ---------- Exodus
Ezek. ---------- Ezekiel
F. ---------- French
f., fem. ---------- feminine
Fahr. ---------- Fahrenheit
Far. ---------- Farriery
Feud. ---------- Feudal
Fig. ---------- Figurative, figuratively
Fin. ---------- Finnish
For. Quart. Rev. ---------- Foreign Quarterly Review
Fort. ---------- Fortification
fr. ---------- from
Fr. ---------- French
freq. ---------- frequentative
Fries. ---------- Friesic
fut. ---------- future
G. ---------- German
Gael. ---------- Gaelic
Gal. ---------- Galen
Gal. ---------- Galatians
Galv. ---------- Galvanism
gen. ---------- generally, genitive
Geneal. ---------- Genealogy
Gent. Mag. ---------- Gentleman's Magazine
Geog. ---------- Geography
Geol. ---------- Geology
Geom. ---------- Geometry
Ger. ---------- German
Goth. ---------- Gothic
Gov. of Tongue ---------- Government of the Tongue
Gr. ---------- Greek
Gram. ---------- Grammar
Gris. ---------- Grisons
Gun. ---------- Gunnery
H. ---------- High
Hab. ---------- Habakkuk
Hag. ---------- Haggai
Ham. Nav. Encyc. ---------- Hamersly's Naval Encyclopedia
Heb. ---------- Hebrew, Hebrews
Her. ---------- Heraldry
Hind. ---------- Hindostanee
Hipp. ---------- Hippocrates
Hist. ---------- History
Horol. ---------- Horology
Hort. ---------- Horticulture
Hung. ---------- Hungarian
Hydraul. ---------- Hydraulics
Hydros. ---------- Hydrostatics
hypoth. ---------- hypothetical
Icel. ---------- Icelandic
i. e. ---------- id est (that is)
Illust. ---------- Illustration, Illustrated
imp. ---------- imperfect
Imp. Dict. ---------- Imperial Dictionary
incho. ---------- inchoative
ind. ---------- indicative
indef. ---------- indefinite
inf. ---------- infinitive
intens. ---------- intensive
interj. ---------- interjection
Internat. Cyc. ---------- International Cyclopeia
Ion. ---------- Ionic
i. q. ---------- idem quod (the same as)
Ir. ---------- Irish
Is., Isa. ---------- Isaiah
It. ---------- Italian
Jap. ---------- Japanese
Jas. ---------- James
Jav. ---------- Javanese
Jer. ---------- Jeremiah
Join. ---------- Joinery
Josh. ---------- Joshua
Judg. ---------- Judges
K. ---------- Kings
L. ---------- Latin
L. ---------- Low
Lam. ---------- Lamentations
Lapp. ---------- Lappish
Lat. ---------- Latin
LD. ---------- Low Dutch
Lett. ---------- Lettish
Lev. ---------- Leviticus
LG. ---------- Low German
LGr. ---------- Low Greek
Linn. ---------- Linnquod vide (which see)
R. ---------- Rare
R. C. ---------- Roman Catholic
R. C. Ch. ---------- Roman Catholic Church
Rep. Sec. of War ---------- Report of Secretary of War
Rev. ---------- Revelation
Rev. ---------- Review
Rev. Ver. ---------- Revised Version (of the Bible)
Rhet. ---------- Rhetoric
R. of Brunne ---------- Robert of Brunne
R. of Gl. ---------- Robert of Gloucester
Rom. ---------- Roman, Romans
Rom. Cath. ---------- Roman Catholic
Rom. of R. ---------- Romaunt of the Rose
Rpts. ---------- reports
Russ. ---------- Russian
Sam. ---------- Samaritan
Sam. ---------- Samuel
Sat. Rev. ---------- Saturday Review
Sax. ---------- Saxon
sc. ---------- scilicet (being understood)
Scand. ---------- Scandinavian
Sci. ---------- Science
Sci. Am. ---------- Scientific American
Scot. ---------- Scotland, Scottish
Script. ---------- Scripture, Scriptural
Sculp. ---------- Sculpture
Serb ---------- Serbian
Serv. ---------- Servian
Shak. ---------- Shakespeare
sing. ---------- singular
Skr. ---------- Sanskrit
Slav. ---------- Slavonic
Sp. ---------- Spanish
Specif. ---------- Specifically
Stat. ---------- Statuary
subj. ---------- subjunctive
superl. ---------- superlative
Surg. ---------- Surgery
Surv. ---------- Surveying
Sw. ---------- Swedish
Syd. Soc. Lex. ---------- Sydenham Society Lexicon
Syn. ---------- Synonyms
Synop. ---------- Synopsis
Syr. ---------- Syriac
Tart. ---------- Tartaric
Teleg. ---------- Telegraphy
term. ---------- termination
Test. ---------- Testament
Theol. ---------- Theology
Thes. ---------- Thessalonians
Tim. ---------- Timothy
Todd & B. ---------- Todd & Bowman
Trans. ---------- Translation
Treas. ---------- Treasury
Trig. ---------- Trigonometry
Turk. ---------- Turkish
Typog. ---------- Typography
Univ. ---------- University
Up. ---------- Upper
U. S. ---------- United States
U. S. Disp. ---------- United States Dispensatory
U. S. Pharm. ---------- United States Pharmacop