Patcher(version 0.9) by Druvo ============================== DISCLAIMER ========== THIS SOFTWARE IS USED FOR INTERNAL COMPANIES USES OR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ANY ATTEMPT TO ABUSE OR MISUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS COMPLETELY NOT THE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE AUTHOR. ANY DAMAGE OCCURED BY THIS SOFTWARE IS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOT MINE USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF YOU DECIDED TO SUICIDE THAT IS ALSO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. IF YOU DECIDED TO GET DRUNK THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. DON'T BLAME ME. Introduction ============ Welcome to the generic patcher version 0.9, this program is supposed (who knows) to produce files that patch applications. whenever you feel like you want to patch softwares, executable , registery. Patches Categories ================== There are 4 categories at the current moment, who knows what else awaits in the future? 1- File Patches(*.fpt) : Those types are supposed to patch files on your hard drive. 2- Registery Patches(*.rpt) : Those patches registry entries. 3- Process Patches(*.ppt) : Those patches an executable after loading it (in the ram). 4- Application Patches(*.apt) : A combination of one or more of the above . 5- Exe Patches(*.exe): a compiled patch from an .apt file. How to use the patches: ======================= You produce the patch in an .apt you will have 2 choices: -Rither compile an exe patch. -Run the apt file from the patcher. How to produce the patches: =========================== You must background on machine language and code, and you should also know what is hexadecimal, if you don't know then i suggest you get a background on that. A tutorial of that is outside the scope of this text. General comments: ================= If you are asked for a filename then it is prefable you type the default path too. Validation message which appears in case that original data does not match the file. Offsets points to the exact location of the file, unless you want to patcher to find it for you (you use xxh in that case). Data (including before and after) MUST BE PAIRS OF HEXADECIMAL NUMBERS, it doesn't matter if they are separated by "-" or "+" or ",". In case you want the patcher to bypass a certain byte you type "xx" . In case of checking file stamps (date,time,size) you can either enter them or fetch them using 'Get Info' Contacts ======== Druvo: if you have any comments please email me at we expect your comments to help the enhancement of the program :)