#! /bin/bash # pst2pdf_for_latexmk # PSTricks 2 PDF converter : # Usage: # pst2pdf_for_latexmk # produces PDF files for all files of the form *-fig*.tex # pst2pdf_for_latexmk # only considers FILE-fig*.tex # Modified from pst2pdf distributed with pdftricks.sty to use latexmk # IT REQUIRES VERSION 3.21 OR HIGHER OF latexmk # See http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk/versions.html # The version on CTAN is not yet updated # For each pdf file will only be made if the tex source is out-of-date # This version of pst2pdf does not clean up generated files: they are # needed by latexmk to determine whether or not the pdf file is # out-of-date. # # To use this automatically with latexmk (linux/UNIX system assumed) # 1. Install this script (pst2pdf_for_latexmk) somewhere in your PATH # 2. Put a line like the following in an initialization file for latexmk: # $pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O %S; pst2pdf_for_latexmk %B'; # 1 Oct 2007 John Collins: Remove path from latexmk # 28 Sep 2007 Herb Schulz processing steprs of figure files changed for no rotation and better BoundingBox # 27 Sep 2007 John Collins # 26 Sep 2007 John Collins Myname='Pst2pdf_for_latexmk' myname='pst2pdf_for_latexmk' echo "This is $myname modified to use latexmk, by John Collins" FILE=$1 if test -z $FILE; then FIGURES=`ls *-fig*.tex`; else FIGURES=`ls -- $FILE-fig*.tex`; fi if test -z "$FIGURES"; then echo $Myname: No files to process else echo $Myname: Using latexmk to process: $FIGURES # latexmk -pdfdvi -ps- -dvi- -e '$dvipdf = q{dvips -E -o %B.eps %S && epstopdf %B.eps --outfile=%D}' $FIGURES latexmk -pdfdvi -ps- -dvi- -e '$dvipdf = q{dvips -o %B.ps %S ; ps2pdf13 -dAutoRotatePages=/None %B.ps ; pdfcrop %B.pdf ; /bin/mv %B-crop.pdf %D}' $FIGURES fi