# To allow more general pattern in $clean_ext instead of just an # extension or something containing %R. # This is done by overriding latexmk's cleanup1 subroutine. # Here is an example of a usefule application: $clean_ext = "*-eps-converted-to.pdf"; sub cleanup1 { # Usage: cleanup1( directory, pattern_or_ext_without_period, ... ) # # The directory is a fixed name, so I must escape any glob metacharacters # in it: print "========= MODIFIED cleanup1 cw latexmk v. 4.39 and earlier\n"; my $dir = fix_pattern( shift ); # Change extensions to glob patterns foreach (@_) { # If specified pattern is pure extension, without period, # wildcard character (?, *) or %R, # then prepend it with directory/root_filename and period to # make a full file specification # Else leave the pattern as is, to be used by glob. # New feature: pattern is unchanged if it contains ., *, ? (my $name = (/%R/ || /[\*\.\?]/) ? $_ : "%R.$_") =~ s/%R/$dir$root_filename/; unlink_or_move( glob( "$name" ) ); } } #END cleanup1