NAME dkt tape-set - Tape set management dkt tape - Tape management dkt tape-report - Report backup media use. SYNOPSIS dkt tape-set get|confirm [] dkt tape get|confirm [] dkt tape-report [] DESCRIPTION The program can be used for backup media management. A backup set is a group of files/directories written together to one backup media. For each backup set there is a corresponding media set (tape set) of 10 backup media (tapes, CD-RWs, DVD-RWs...). In a cycle of 200 backups each of the media is used 20 times. Order of media usage varies, so we some backups of the last few days and some older backups at each time. The rotation scheme is known as "10 tape rotation scheme" in the literature. On a computer you might have different backup sets (i.e. one set "A" for the configuration files and another set "B" for user home directories). We can write a tape set file "tapeset.txt" listing the order of backup sets. To back up A once a week and B four times a week we write A B B B B Now we can use dkt tape-set get tapeset.txt to find the current tape set. The program writes the name of the current set to standard output. After doing a backup successfully we use dkt tape-set confirm tapeset.txt to confirm the backup. The file is rewritten, number of the next set index is in the second line. If we want to find the current tape number for set A we use dkt tape get tape-A.txt The program writes the number to standard output. If the file "tape-A.txt" does not yet exist the program assumes no backup was made yet for this set. After doing a backup successfully we use dkt tape confirm tape-A.txt to confirm the backup. The file is rewritten, the number of the next tape and the usage date for the current tape are updated. The dkt tape-report tape-A.txt command lists the backup media numbers by last confirmation timestamp. OPTIONS -R skips all settings from dkt.conf configuration files. -f encoding sets up the default file encoding. This encoding is used if no byte order marker is found at the beginning of the file. -p shortcut for "-i ascii". -a use ASCII encoding when printing set name or media number to standard output (only tape and tapeset commands). RETURN VALUE The program returns 0 on success, any other value indicates an error. AUTHOR Dirk Krause HISTORY The "dkt tape" and "dkt tape-set" functions replace the tape program from previous dktools versions.