Scripts to create SVG variants of the GhostScript fonts ======================================================= This directory contains scripts to convert the GhostScript fonts to SVG, TTF, or PFB files. For licensing reasons I can not bundle converted GhostScript font files with dktools (GhostScript is a GPL project, dktools uses a BSD-style license). So you have to download GhostScript separately and do the conversion yourself. Linux, Unix... -------------- * Make sure you have the following software installed: - fontforge - python * Obtain a recent GhostScript source archive (the procedure shown here was tested using version 9.06). * Unpack the archive. * After unpacking you will find a Resource/Font directory in the directory created by unpacking the archive. * Copy all files from this directory into the Resource/Font directory. * Change into the Resource/Font directory. * Choose a name for a directory where to place the SVG files, i.e. "/usr/share/gs-fonts-svg". Do not use a directory which already exists. * Run ./ /usr/share/gs-fonts-svg specify the destination directory as command line argument. * The scripts or can be used to convert to *.ttf or *.pfb files. * The procedure for making the fonts available to your SVG viewer depends on the SVG viewer software used. Windows ------- * Obtain a recent GhostScript source archive (the procedure shown here was tested using version 9.06). * Unpack the archive. * After unpacking you will find a Resource/Font directory in the directory created by unpacking the archive. * Copy all files from this directory into the Resource/Font directory. * Change into the Resource/Font directory. * Run the crpfb.cmd script ./crpfb.cmd * The script has created a C:\Temp\PfbFonts directory. * Open the C:\Temp\PfbFonts directory in the Windows Explorer. * Mark all the *.pfb files. * After clicking the right mouse key, a context menu appears. Choose "install font(s)".