#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use XML::Parser; if ($#ARGV > 1 || $#ARGV < 0) { die "Syntax: $0 []\n"; } my $targetdir = '../resources/helpsets'; my $dictdir = '../resources/dictionaries'; my $mainclass = '../java/DatatoolTk.java'; my $base = 'datatooltk'; my $fontenc = 'T1'; # mapping between locales and babel options my %babel = ( 'en' => 'english', 'en-GB' => 'british', 'en-US' => 'american', 'fr' => 'frenchb' ); my $lang = $ARGV[0]; my $locale = $lang; if ($#ARGV == 1) { $locale .= "-".$ARGV[1]; } my $encoding_file = 'utf8'; my $encoding_xml = 'UTF-8'; open FD, "$mainclass" or die "Can't open '$mainclass' $!\n"; binmode(FD, ":$encoding_file"); my %dict = (); while () { if (/public +static +final +String +appName *= *"([^"]+)"/) { $dict{appname} = $1; } elsif (/public +static +final +String +appVersion *= *"([^"]+)"/) { $dict{appversion} = $1; } elsif (/public +static +final +String +appDate *= *"([^"]+)"/) { $dict{appdate} = $1; } } close FD; my $propfile = "$dictdir/$base-$locale.prop"; if (not (-e $propfile) and ($lang ne $locale)) { $propfile = "$dictdir/$base-$lang.prop"; unless (-e $propfile) { die "Can't find either '$dictdir/$base-$locale.prop' or '$propfile'\n"; } } unless (-e $propfile) { die "Can't find '$propfile'\n"; } open FD, "$propfile" or die "Can't open '$propfile' $!\n"; binmode(FD, ":$encoding_file"); my $linenum = 0; while () { $linenum++; next if (/^ *#/ or /^ *$/); if (/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { $dict{$1} = $2; } else { warn "$propfile: Can't parse line $linenum\n"; } } close FD; my %docinfo = (); my @nodes = (); my @current = (); my @paragraph = (); my %tags = (); my $languagedefinitions = "\\def\\idxpackagename{".&get_label('manual.idxpackage')."}\n" ."\\def\\idxenvname{".&get_label('manual.idxenv')."}\n" ."\\def\\examplename{".&get_label('manual.example')."}\n"; my $xmlfile = "$base-$locale.xml"; if (not (-e $xmlfile) and ($lang ne $locale)) { $xmlfile = "$base-$lang.xml"; unless (-e $xmlfile) { die "Can't find either '$base-$locale.xml' or '$xmlfile'\n"; } } unless (-e $xmlfile) { die "Can't find '$xmlfile'\n"; } my $texfile = "$base-$locale.tex"; my $helpsetdir = "$targetdir/$base-$locale"; unless (-e $helpsetdir) { mkdir $helpsetdir or die "Can't mkdir '$helpsetdir' $!\n"; } unless (-d $helpsetdir) { die "'$helpsetdir' is not a directory\n"; } # Is there any way of querying the input encoding picked up by # XML::Parser? Let's just stick to utf8 my $inputenc = 'utf8'; my %section_levels = ( 'chapter' => '1', 'section' => '2', 'subsection' => '3', 'subsubsection' => '4', 'paragraph' => '5' ); my %acros = (); my %terms = (); my @float_elements = (); my @tabular_specs = (); my %counters = (); # open the TeX file open TEXFD, ">$texfile" or die "Can't open '$texfile' $!\n"; # initialize the parser my $parser = XML::Parser->new( Handlers => { Start=>\&handle_start, End=>\&handle_end, Char=>\&handle_char }); $parser->parsefile( $xmlfile ); close TEXFD; # Write helpset files open HSFD, ">$helpsetdir/$base.hs" or die "Can't open '$helpsetdir/$base.hs' $!\n"; binmode(HSFD, ":$encoding_file"); my $toctitle = &get_label('manual.toc'); my $manualtitle = &get_label('manual.title'); my $indextitle = &get_label('manual.index'); my $searchtitle = &get_label('manual.search'); print HSFD <<_END_HS_HEAD; $manualtitle top TOC javax.help.TOCView ${base}TOC.xml Index javax.help.IndexView ${base}Index.xml Search javax.help.SearchView JavaHelpSearch main window $manualtitle javax.help.HomeAction javax.help.BackAction javax.help.ForwardAction appIcon secondary window appIcon _END_HS_HEAD close HSFD; open HTMLFD, ">$helpsetdir/$base.html" or die "Can't open '$helpsetdir/$base.html' $!\n"; binmode(HTMLFD, ":$encoding_file"); print HTMLFD &html_head($docinfo{Title}, '', $nodes[0]->{Tag}); print HTMLFD "\n"; print HTMLFD "

", $docinfo{Title}, "

\n"; print HTMLFD "


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"; print HTMLFD "


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$content"; } print HTMLFD &html_nav($prev, $next); print HTMLFD "\n\n"; close HTMLFD; $prev = $node; $prevlevel = $section_levels{$node->{Type}}; } for (my $level = scalar(keys %section_levels); $level >= 0; $level--) { if ($level < $prevlevel) { print TOCFD "
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"; print TEXFD "\\Author{"; } sub end_author{ my ($expat) = @_; $docinfo{Author} .= "
"; pop @current; print TEXFD "}\n"; } sub start_document{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; print TEXFD "\\begin{document}\n\\maketitle\n\\tableofcontents\n"; } sub end_document{ my ($expat) = @_; print TEXFD "\\end{document}\n"; } sub start_node{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; unless ($attrs{type}) { die "Missing 'type' attribute for element 'node' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } unless ($attrs{tag}) { die "Missing 'tag' attribute for element 'node' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } unless ($attrs{title}) { die "Missing 'title' attribute for element 'node' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my $currentlevel = $section_levels{$attrs{type}}; unless ($currentlevel) { die "Unknown section level '$attrs{type}' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my $lastlevel; if ($#nodes == -1) { $lastlevel = 0; } else { $lastlevel = $section_levels{$nodes[$#nodes]->{Type}}; } unless ($currentlevel <= $lastlevel+1) { die "Node '$attrs{tag}' type can't be deeper than '", $section_levels{$lastlevel+1},"' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my %node = ( Type => $attrs{type}, Title => $attrs{title}, Tag => $attrs{tag}, Contents => '', Footnotes => '' ); push @nodes, \%node; $tags{$attrs{tag}}->{Ref} = $attrs{tag}.'.html'; $tags{$attrs{tag}}->{Text} = $attrs{title}; print TEXFD "\\", $attrs{type}, "{", $attrs{title}, "}\\label{", $attrs{tag}, "}\n"; } sub end_node{ my ($expat) = @_; } sub start_newacro{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; unless ($attrs{tag}) { die "Missing 'tag' attribute for element 'newacro' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } unless ($attrs{short}) { die "Missing 'short' attribute for element 'newacro' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } unless ($attrs{long}) { die "Missing 'long' attribute for element 'newacro' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my $tag = $attrs{tag}; if ($acros{$tag}) { die "Acronym '$tag' already defined\n"; } $acros{$tag}->{Short} = $attrs{short}; $acros{$tag}->{Long} = $attrs{long}; # write html file used by popup window open FD, ">$helpsetdir/acr_$tag.html" or die "Can't open '$helpsetdir/acr_$tag.html' $!\n"; print FD &html_head($attrs{short}); print FD "\n


\n", ucfirst($attrs{long}), ".\n"; print FD "\n\n"; close FD; print TEXFD "\\newacronym{$tag}{$attrs{short}}{$attrs{long}}\n"; } sub end_newacro{ my ($expat) = @_; } sub start_newterm{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; unless ($attrs{tag}) { die "Missing 'tag' attribute for element 'newterm' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } unless ($attrs{text}) { die "Missing 'text' attribute for element 'newterm' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my $tag = 'gls_'.$attrs{tag}; if ($terms{$tag}) { die "Term '", $attrs{tag}, "' already defined\n"; } $terms{$tag}->{Text} = $attrs{text}; if ($attrs{description}) { $terms{$tag}->{Description} = $attrs{description}; # write html file used by popup window if a description has been # supplied open FD, ">$helpsetdir/$tag.html" or die "Can't open '$helpsetdir/$tag.html' $!\n"; print FD &html_head($attrs{text}); print FD "\n


\n", ucfirst($attrs{description}), ".\n"; print FD "\n\n"; close FD; print TEXFD "\\newglossaryentry{$attrs{tag}}{name={", $attrs{text}, "},description={", $attrs{description}, "}}\n"; } } sub end_newterm{ my ($expat) = @_; } sub start_p{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; my $endtag="\n\n"; if ($attrs{noindent}) { my $value = lc($attrs{noindent}); if ($value eq 'true' or $value eq 1) { $attrs{noindent} = 1; } elsif ($value eq 'false' or $value eq 0) { $attrs{noindent} = 0; } else { die "Invalid value '$value' of attribute 'noindent' on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } } if ($attrs{align}) { &handle_html('

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    $counters{footnote}" . $docinfo{Footnote} . '

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    ' . &get_label('manual.example') . ' ' . $counters{example} . ($attrs{title}? "($attrs{title})." : '.') . '

    '); print TEXFD "\\begin{example}"; if ($attrs{title}) { print TEXFD '[', $attrs{title}, ']'; } } sub end_example{ my ($expat) = @_; &handle_html('
    '); print TEXFD "\\end{example}"; } sub start_seealso{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; unless ($attrs{tags}) { die "Element 'seealso' missing 'tags' attribute on line ", $expat->current_line, "\n"; } my @tags = split /,/, $attrs{tags}; my $seealso = &get_label('manual.seealso'); &handle_html("


      "); print TEXFD "\n\n\\minisec{$seealso}\n"; print TEXFD "\\begin{itemize}\n"; foreach my $tag (@tags) { &handle_html("
    • $tag"); print TEXFD "\\item \\nameref{$tag}\n"; } print TEXFD "\\end{itemize}\n"; &handle_html('
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       print TEXFD "\\begin{verbatim}";
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    '); print TEXFD "\\end{verbatim}"; } sub start_alltt{ my ($expat, %attrs) = @_; &handle_html('
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    sub end_alltt{
       my ($expat) = @_;
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       open FD, $attrs{src} or die "Can't open '$attrs{src}' $!\n";
       while ()
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       open FD, $attrs{src} or die "Can't open '$attrs{src}' $!\n";
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