NAME dkt sort - Sort input line by line. SYNOPSIS dkt sort [] [] DESCRIPTION The program sorts input data line by line. Different sort criteria can be used: - Case-sensitive text sorting, - Case-insensitive text sorting. - Sorting by leading numbers in a line (signed and unsigned integers or floating point numbers. OPTIONS -R skips all settings from dkt.conf configuration files. -i encoding sets up the default input encoding. This encoding is used if no byte order marker is found at the beginning of input. -p shortcut for "-i ascii". -c sets up case-insensitive text comparison. -b ignores leading whitespaces (spaces and tabulators) at the beginning of lines. -w uses a whitespace-normalized version of each line for comparison. Leading and trailing whitespace sequences are removed, all other whitespace sequences are replaced by one space. -n sets up comparison by leading signed integers at the beginning of lines. -u sets up comparison by leading unsigned integers at the beginning of lines. -f sets up comparison by leading floating point numbers at the beginning of lines. -s prints lines without a leading number before the lines with a number (when -n, -u or -f is used). By default lines without a number are printed after lines with numbers. -m merges lines evaluated as equally in comparisons. -e merges lines exactly equal. -r uses reverse sort order. RETURN VALUE The program returns 0 on success, any other value indicates an error. AUTHOR Dirk Krause HISTORY The "dkt sort" command replaces the program ksort from former dktools versions.