NAME dkt create-password - Suggest password SYNOPSIS dkt create-password [] DESCRIPTION The program suggests passwords. Different password types are available: - simple Password length, number of digits, number of special characters and number of upper-case characters must be specified. - hex The program uses a pseudo random number generator (PRNG) to obtain binary random data. The ASCII-Hex encoding is used to convert the binary data to text. Passwords contain the digits '0'...'9' and the characters 'a'...'f'. - ascii-85 The program obtains binary random data from a PRNG and converts it to text using the reverse ASCII-85 encoding. The alphabet for passwords contains 85 characters. A password class contains all information needed to build a password (type, length and - for the "simple" type - number of digits, special characters and upper-case characters). The classes "user", "admin" and "wpa" are predefined, you can define your own classes in the dkt.conf configuration file. OPTIONS -R skips all settings from dkt.conf configuration files. -c class chooses a password class. -t type chooses a password type. -l length sets the password length. -d digits sets the number of digits. -s specials sets the number of special characters. -u upper-case sets the number of upper-case characters. Length, digits, specials and upper-case can be specified as number (i.e. "2") or range (i.e. "2-4"). The minimum length must be at least the summary of the maximum values for digits, specials and upper-case. FILES dkt.conf You can define additional password classes in the dkt.conf configuration file, i.e. [create-password] class=pin6,type=simple,length=6,digits=6,specials=0,upper-case=0 The "class=" text introduces a class definition, "pin6" is the name of the new class here. RETURN VALUE The program returns 0 on success, any other value indicates an error. AUTHOR Dirk Krause HISTORY The "dkt create-password" functionality replaces the createp program from previous dktools versions.