/** @file dk3enc.h Dealing with encodings. The dk3enc.c module deals with encoding. Functions sorted by category: - Network and host byte order change: - dk3enc_ntohl()\n Convert long number from net to host representation. - dk3enc_htonl()\n Convert long number from host to net representation. - dk3enc_ntohs()\n Convert short number from net to host representation. - dk3enc_htons()\n Convert short number from host to net representation. - Conversion from IP address as text to unsigned long: - dk3enc_c8_ipaddr_to_ul_app()\n Retrieve IP address from 8-bit text string. - Character encoding names: - dk3enc_get_type_app()\n Get numeric encoding for encoding name. - dk3enc_get_data_encoding_name()\n Get numeric data file encoding for encoding name. - Character conversion: - dk3enc_uc2utf8()\n Convert one 32-bit character to UTF-8. - dk3enc_utf82uc()\n Retrieve one 32-bit character from UTF-8 encoded buffer. - dk3enc_uc2utf16()\n Convert one 32-bit character to UTF-16. - dk3enc_utf162uc()\n Retrieve one 32-bit character from UTF-16 encoded buffer. - Binary buffer to text buffer and reverse conversion: - dk3enc_bin_to_a85_app()\n Binary to ASCII-85. - dk3enc_bin_to_ra85_app()\n Binary to reverse ASCII-85. - dk3enc_bin_to_hex_app()\n Binary to hexadecimal encoding. - dk3enc_a85_to_bin_app()\n ASCII-85 to binary. - dk3enc_ra85_to_bin_app(), dk3enc_ra_85_to_bin()\n Reverse ASCII-85 to binary. - dk3enc_hex_to_bin_app()\n Hexadecimal encoding to binary. - Binary buffer to text string and reverse conversion: - dk3enc_a85string_to_bin_app()\n ASCII-85 string to binary. - dk3enc_ra85string_to_bin_app()\n Reverse ASCII-85 string to binary. - dk3enc_hexstring_to_bin_app()\n Hexadecimal string to binary. - Destination buffer size calculation for bin to text and reverse conversion: - dk3enc_size_bin_to_a85()\n Binary to ASCII-85 or reverse ASCII-85. - dk3enc_size_a85_to_bin()\n ASCII-85 or reverse ASCII-85 to binary. - dk3enc_size_bin_to_hex()\n Binary to hexadecimal encoding. - dk3enc_size_hex_to_bin()\n Hexadecimal encoding to binary. - dk3enc_size_a85string_to_bin()\n ASCII-85 encoded string to binary. - dk3enc_size_hexstring_to_bin()\n Hexadecimal string to binary. */