h1. AutoLaTeX and other TeX makers This file compares several features of TeX makers from CTAN (including AutoLaTeX): table{border:1px solid black}. |_/2. Maker |_/2. Type |_/2. Date |_/2. Supported Tools |_\3. Detect Changes |_\3. Automatic File Convertions |_/2. Export to Elsevier |_/2. Editor plugins | |_. TeX |_. BibTeX |_. Images |_. To PS/PDF/PNG |_. To TeX |_. To PSTeX/PDFTeX | |<. "AutoLaTeX":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/autolatex |=. Perl/Python |=. 2015 |=. latex, pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, bibtex, biber, makeindex, dvips |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. asta, dia, dot, fig, ggb, gxl, odg, plot, svg, vsdx, xmi |=. c/c++, java, matlab, ml, perl, python, ruby, sql, svg layers |=. fig, plot, dia, svg, svg layers |=. X |=. Gedit3, Gtk3, Sublime Text 3 (see "LaTeXTools plugin":https://github.com/SublimeText/LaTeXTools). Deprecated: Gedit2, Sublime Text 2, Gtk2 | |<. "go-make":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/go-make |=. Perl |=. 1993 |=. latex, dvips, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "latex-make":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latex-make |=. Makefile |=. 2003 |=. latex, pdflatex, dvips, ps2pdf, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. |=. X |=. fig |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "latexmk":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexmk/ |=. Perl |=. 2015 |=. latex, dvips, dvipdf, xelatex, pdflatex, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "latexn":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexn |=. csh |=. 1997 |=. dvi |=. latex, bibtex, makeindex |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "make-latex":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/make-latex |=. Makefile |=. 1993 |=. latex, dvips, bibtex |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. fig, plot |=. |=. fig |=. |=. | |<. "mk":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/mk |=. Ruby |=. 2012 |=. latex, xelatex, pdflatex, texi2dvi |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "rake2latex":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/rake4latex |=. Ruby |=. 2001 |=. pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "rubber":https://launchpad.net/rubber/ |=. Python |=. 2010 |=. pdflatex, etex, aleph, omega, vtex, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. ? |=. |=. X |=. |=. |=. | |<. "ShLaTeX":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/shlatex |=. Bash/C |=. 2003 |=. latex, pdflatex, dvips, ps2pdf, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | |<. "texi2dvi":http://www.ctan.org/pkg/rake4latex |=. Sh |=. 2013 |=. latex, dvips, dvipdf, pdflatex, bibtex, makeindex |=. X |=. X |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. |=. | The columns are: * _Maker:_ is the name of the TeX maker; * _Type:_ is the language of implementation; * _Date:_ is the date of the last update on CTAN; * _Supported Tools:_ are the tools that are used/invoked to produce the output; * _Detect Changes:_ indicates if the TeX maker is able to detect changes in source files, and avoid to re-compile when the files have not changed. Three types of files are considered: ** TeX files (@.tex@), ** BibTeX files (@.bib@), and ** source images that are included in the document (@.png@, @.jpg@, @.pdf@, @.ps@, @.eps@...); * _Automatic File Conversions:_ indicates if the TeX maker is able to produce a picture that could be included in a TeX document (usually: PS, PDF or picture formats) from a source format that could not be directly include in the TeX document. The formats of these source pictures are specified. Three output formats are detailled: ** PS, PDF or png: the tool is able to convert a source file to one of these three formats, ** TeX: the tool is able to create a TeX file from the source file, ** PSTeX/PDFTeX: the tools is able to produce a PS or a PDF file with embedded TeX macros. * _Export to Elsevier:_ Elsevier is a scientific publisher who permits to upload TeX white-papers for publication. After uploading the source files, the Elsevier website is running TeX on it, and give a compilation feedback. This column indicates if the tools is able to create a version of the document that is fitting the recommendations: ** to use only one TeX file, ** to have all the included figures in the same directory as as the TeX file, and ** to replace the references to bibliography files by inlined bib items inside the main TeX file. * _Editor Plugin:_ indicates if a plugin is provided for TeX editors. Note that several editors such as TeXworks do not need to have a specific plugin to use the makers in the table.