% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved. % The yTeX macros. Written and maintained by DCB@MIT-AI.ARPA % Questions, suggestions, bug reports by net mail to BUG-YTEX@MIT-AI.ARPA \ifx \fmtname\completelyundefinedcontrolsequence \input yplain.mac \fi % load a Plain format if needed \message{[Loading the YTEX macros:} % CONTENTS % ^L-page contents % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1 %% YTEX macros % 2 %% setup % 3 %% Load the library % 4 %% Load the fonts % 5 %% Load the user level % 6 %% miscellany % 7 %% initialization %% setup % @ used in macros \def\makeatletter {\catcode`\@=11\relax} \def\makeatother {\catcode`\@=12\relax} \makeatletter % conditional message output \newif\ifyinfo \newif\ifywarn \newif\ifydebug \def\ymessage #1{\ifyinfo \message{#1}\fi} \def\ywarning #1{\ifywarn \message{#1}\fi} \def\ybuginfo #1{\ifydebug \message{#1}\fi} % preserve def of \input \let\@@input=\input %% Load the library \message{(BASE)} \@@input ybase.mac %% Load the fonts \message{(FONTS)} \@@input yfonts.mac %% Load the user level \message{(USER)} \@@input yuser.mac %% miscellany % library location \def\ytexlibrary {} % name of this TeX \def\yTeX {\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{Y}\kern-.1667em\TeX} \def\ytex {\yTeX} \let\YTEX=\ytex \let\YTeX=\ytex \let\oopstex=\ytex %% initialization % format name, version, and site modifications \ifx \fmtname\completelyundefinedcontrolsequence \def\fmtname{yTeX}\fi \@@input ylog.mac \@@input ysite.mac % read fixes and augmentations to these macros \everyjob={% \ymessage{{YTEX version \fmtversion}}% \st@rttime \makeatletter \@input{\ytexlibrary yfix.mac}{\ymessage{{No fixes}}}% \makeatother \@input@{ymath}{}% \@input@{ylocal}{}% } % no user @ in macro names, print messages only \makeatother \yinfotrue \ywarntrue \ydebugfalse \message{(DONE)]}