% LETTER PSIZZL - letter macros % % I am indebted to Louise Addis, SLAC, for help in designing the % style of the letter. % % The letter will print with your institution's letterhead. % You then take the letter and copy it on bond. % The original hardcopy becomes your file copy. % % \letterto{Name}{address} Name will appear in the salutation. % note the comma or colon here. % e.g., address will be the full address. % \letterto{John,}% use \cr to separate lines. % {Mr.@John Doe\cr% % Physics Department\cr% % University of California, Berkeley\cr% % Berkeley, CA 94720\cr}% % % \letterfrom{signature}{mail stop}{initials} % initials will possibly appear at the foot of % e.g., the letter % \letterfrom% signature will appear in the close % {Jane Doe\cr address is incorporated in the letterhead % Chief Honcho\cr}% % {Bin 2}{JD}% % % \letterdate{date} you may optionally specify the date of the % letter. The default date however, is today. % e.g., \letterdate{7 July 1983}% % % \salutation{Ave}% here's how to modify the standard salutation % (default is Dear) % % \MyRef{text}% specifies the writer's reference number for % this letter. Default is none. % If you use this you get Ref: near % the top of the letter. % % \YourRef{text}% similar to \MyRef. Specifies the reference % number of the addressee's letter to which % you're responding. Default is none. % % \copiesto{name\cr name\cr ...name\cr}% % specifies who gets copies of the letter % aside from the addressee. A list of names % will appear at the end of the letter. % Default is none % % \closing{Yours truly,}% and how to modify the standard close % (default is Sincerely,) % % \everyletter{text}% text to be inserted % at the end of every letter. % May be an entire letter body. % % \beginletter the letter now begins on a new page % with date, address, salutation % % text now comes the text of the letter % % \endletter this puts out the closing % \newif\ifletter \newskip\lettertopskip\lettertopskip\z@ plus\z@ minus\z@ \def\letterdate#1{% \def\l@tterdate{#1}% }\letterdate\d@te \def\salutation#1{% \def\s@lutation{#1}% }\salutation{Dear}% \def\closing#1{% \def\cl@sing{#1}% }\closing{Sincerely,}% \def\typist#1{% \def\t@pist{:\lowercase{#1}}% }\def\t@pist{}% \def\copiesto#1{% \def\c@pies{% \hbox{% \vtop{\hbox{cc: }\vfil}% \vtop{\singlespace \halign{\vbox{\parindent\z@\hsize.8\hsize####}\hfil\cr #1\crcr}% }% }% \vskip\baselineskip }% }\def\c@pies{}% \def\postscript#1{% \def\p@st{#1}% }\def\p@st{}% \def\enclosure#1#2{% \def\@ncl{% {\par\parindent\z@#1\par\singlespace \halign{% \quad\vbox{\parindent\z@\hsize.8\hsize####}\hfil\cr #2\crcr}\par }% }% }\def\@ncl{}% \def\prescript#1{% \def\pr@{#1}% }\def\pr@{}% % \def\MyRef#1{% \def\M@Ref{Ref: #1\cr}% }\def\M@Ref{}% \def\YourRef#1{% \def\Y@urRef{Your Ref: #1\cr}% }\def\Y@urRef{}% % \def\breakletter{% \par\vfil\eject }% break the title page of a letter \def\letterto#1#2{% \def\@ddressee{#1}\gdef\@ddress{#2}% }\letterto{}{}% \def\letterfrom#1#2#3{% \def\s@ndername{#1}\gdef\s@nderbin{#2}\gdef\s@nderinitials{#3}% }\letterfrom{}{}{}% \def\letterstyle#1{% \adddef\stylel@t{#1}% }% \def\stylel@t{% \let\bodynumbers=\topcentered \vsize 8.3in \raggedright \p@geclear% set page number \largetype\singlespace \parindent 0em \baselineskip 2.7ex \parskip\medskipamount }% \long\def\everyletter#1{\def\l@tterbody{#1}}\everyletter{}% \def\letter{% \let\resd@c\resl@t \let\pred@c\prel@t\let\styled@c\stylel@t\let\titd@c\titl@t \let\frontd@c\frontl@t\let\endd@c\endl@t\lettertrue }% \def\beginletter{\letter\begindocument}% \def\endletter{\enddocument}% \def\frontl@t{}% \def\resl@t{\endpage}% \def\prel@t{\beginbody}% \def\titl@t{% \topinsert \ifwindowenvelope \translate{-.0in}{-1.5in}{% \ifx\@ddress\empty\else \vbox to 1.in{% \singlespace\baselineskip 2.7ex\vss \halign to 4.35in{\tabskip\z@ ##\hss\tabskip\z@ plus 1fil\cr\@ddress\crcr }\vss }% \fi }% \nointerlineskip \fi \l@tterhead \endinsert \fr@nttrue \rightline{\l@tterdate}\vskip\the\baselineskip \tempfalse \ifx\M@Ref\empty\else\temptrue\fi\ifx\Y@urRef\empty\else\temptrue\fi \iftemp \rightline{% \vbox{% \singlespace\halign{##\hfil\cr\M@Ref\Y@urRef}% }% }% \par \fi \vfil \vskip\lettertopskip \ifwindowenvelope\vskip1.20in\else \ifx\@ddress\empty\else {%\singlespace\indent \hbox{\vbox{\halign{##\hfil\cr\@ddress\crcr}}}% }% \par \vskip2\parskip \fi \fi \par\pr@\par \ifx\@ddressee\empty\else \medskip\s@lutation\ \@ddressee\par\medskip \fi }% \def\endl@t{% \l@tterbody \par \ifx\s@ndername\empty\else \nobreak\vskip 4.5ex% \line{% \hbox to .51\hsize{\hfil}\hskip\z@ minus 1fil \vbox{\singlespace\baselineskip 2.7ex% \halign{##\hfil\cr\cl@sing\cr\noalign{\nobreak\vskip.4in}% \s@ndername \crcr }% }% \hskip\z@ plus 1fill }% \fi {\normalbaselines \ifx\s@nderinitials\empty\else \par\s@nderinitials\t@pist\par \fi \@ncl \c@pies {\singlespace\p@st\par}% }% \vfil\eject \gdef\t@pist{}\gdef\c@pies{}\gdef\M@Ref{}\gdef\Y@urRef{}% \gdef\pr@{}\gdef\p@st{}% \letterfalse }% \newdimen\h@ght\h@ght=1in \newdimen\l@tterheadsize\l@tterheadsize\hsize \def\letterhead#1#2#3#4{% \def\l@tterhead{% \ifletterhead \l@tterheadsize\hsize\advance\l@tterheadsize0in \centerline{% \vbox{\hsize\l@tterheadsize \centerline{\vbox{\halign{####\hfil\cr#1\crcr}}}% \line{% \singlespace\baselineskip 2.7ex% \vbox to \h@ght{\vss\halign{####\hfil\cr#2\crcr}\vss}% \hss \vbox to \h@ght{\vss\halign{####\hfil\cr#3\crcr}\vss}% }% }% }% \else#4\fi }% }% \newif\ifletterhead\letterheadtrue \newif\ifstreetaddress \newif\ifwindowenvelope % review all of the \letterto's by typesetting them plus \def\p@genumberletter{% \p@gebanner{\l@tterdate}{}{Page\qquad\numorroman\p@gecount}% }%