#!/usr/bin/perl -w ####################################################################################### # A tool for creating STeX Module Signatures (SMS) files. # # Copyright (c) 2005, Ioan Sucan; (c) 2010, Deyan Ginev, # released under the Gnu General Public License (GPL) # # see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # # $URL: svn://kwarc.eecs.iu-bremen.de/repos/kwarc/projects/content/bin/sms$ # # $Date: 2006-10-22 20:01:47 +0200 (Sun, 22 Oct 2006) $ $Rev: 10669 $ # ####################################################################################### use strict; use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs); use File::Basename; use lib dirname(rel2abs($0)); #Assumption: Modparse is in the same folder as the sms binary. use Getopt::Long; use Modparse; use Pod::Usage; my $input = "-", my $verbose=0, my $stop_at_end=0; my $follow=0; my %arg_snippath; my @snippathList; # match {,} brackets that are not comments or special characters sub match{ my $data = shift; my $b = 0, my $i = 0, my $ignore = 0 ; foreach (split('',$data)){ $i++; if ($ignore == 1){ $ignore = 0; next; } if ($ignore == 2){ next if $_ ne "\n"; $ignore = 0; next; } if ($_ eq "\\"){ $ignore = 1; next; } if ($_ eq '%'){ $ignore = 2; next; } $b++ if $_ eq '{'; $b-- if $_ eq '}'; return (substr($data,0,$i),substr($data,$i,length($data)-$i+1)) if !$b; } return ('',$data); } ####### start of program ####### GetOptions("verbose" => sub { $verbose=1; }, "stop" => sub { $stop_at_end=1; }, "path=s" => \%arg_snippath, "defpath=s" => \@snippathList, "help" => sub { pod2usage(2)}, "follow" => sub { $follow=1; }); $input = $ARGV[0] if ($#ARGV>=0); my $mp = Modparse->new(snippathList=>\@snippathList, snippath=>\%arg_snippath, stopAtEnd=>$stop_at_end, verbose=>$verbose, follow=>$follow, recursion=>0, onBeginFile=>sub { @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}=(); }, onBeginModule=>sub { push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}); @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/; }, onEndModule=>sub { push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}); @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/ }, onRecurse=>sub { my $recurse = $_[0]->{original}; $recurse =~ s/include/exclude/g; push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $recurse); }, onEndFile=>sub { my $file = $_[0]->{pack}->new_ext($_[0]->{filename},'.sms'); open(FOUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write $file\n"; print FOUT @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}; close(FOUT); `touch $file` unless @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}; print "Wrote $file\n" if $verbose; }, onEveryLine=>sub { my @lines = @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}; if ($_[0]->{in_module}){ push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}) if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\(symvariant|(sym|abbr|ell|key|listkey)def)\{([^\}]+)\}/ || $_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\symdef\[([^\]]+)\]/); push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}) if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\importmodule/); if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\begin{importmodulevia}/) { my $impvia = $_[0]->{original}; $impvia =~ s/\\begin\{importmodulevia\}/\\importmodule/g; push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $impvia); } push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}) if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\importOMDocmodule/); push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}) if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\requiremodules/); push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}, $_[0]->{original}) if ($_[0]->{simple_tex} =~ /\\requirepackage/); if ((/\\STRlabel\{([^\}]+)\}(\{.*)/) || (/\\STRsemantics\[([^\]]+)\](\{.*)/)){ my ($label, $line) = ($1, "$2 $_[0]->{comment}"); my ($matched, $rest) = (undef, undef); while (1) { ($matched, $rest) = match($line); last if $matched; $line.=$_[0]->{nextline}(); } $_[0]->{rewriteline}($rest) if $rest; $line = "\\STRlabeldef{$label}$matched"; chomp($line); map(push(@{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}},"$_\n"),split("\n",$line)); } @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}[-1] =~ s/\n$/%\n/ if (@lines < @{$_[0]->{'sms'.$_[0]->{depth}}}); }} ); $mp->execute($input); print "Done.\n" if $verbose; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS sms [options] Options: --verbose verbose on --stop stop when \end{document} is found; default is to go on --follow demands following \input|include|require statements (default:off) --path XXX=somePath specify the value of \XXX (some snippath) in case it is not defined in the processed .tex file --defpath XXX specify which \XXX (snippath definitions) to look for --help this screen Purpose: Generate .sms files (STeX Module Signatures) from .tex files Example: sms slides.tex -v