#!/bin/bash if [[ -z $STEX_CONTENT_HOME ]] then echo "STEX_CONTENT_HOME is not set; please set it in your ~/.bashrc" exit 1 fi LIB="$STEX_CONTENT_HOME/slides/lib" cat <<'EOF' % this file is automatically generated by allgen % Note: This hack is needed to make mikoslides and problems work together. \PassOptionsToPackage{solutions,notes,pts,min}{problems} EOF sed -e '/\\begin{document}/ i\ \\usepackage{problems} ' $LIB/pre.tex | \ grep -v '^\\def\\snippets' cat <<'EOF' EOF for file in *.tex do prefix=${file%.tex} # file name without .tex suffix [[ $prefix != "all" ]] && echo -e "\\subsection{${prefix//_/\\\\_}} \n \\input{$prefix}" # in subsection replace "_" by "\_" done cat $LIB/post.tex