%% friulan.ldf %% version 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Johannes Braams. %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the Babel %% system. You may however distribute the Babel system without %% such generated files. %% %% The list of all files belonging to the Babel distribution is %% given in the file `manifest.bbl'. See also `legal.bbl for additional %% information. %% %% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution. \ProvidesLanguage{friulan} [2012/03/23 v0.1a Friulian support from the babel system] %% File `friulan.dtx' %% Babel package for LaTeX version 2e %% Copyright (C) 1989 - 2012 %% by Johannes Braams, TeXniek %% Friulian Language Definition File %% Copyright (C) 1989 - 2012 %% by Johannes Braams, TeXniek %% Please report errors to: J.L. Braams %% babel at braams.cistron.nl \LdfInit\CurrentOption{captions\CurrentOption} \ifx\l@friulan\@undefined \ifx\l@furlan\@undefined \@nopatterns{friulan} \adddialect\l@friulan\l@italian \else \let\l@friulan\l@furlan \fi \fi \expandafter\ifx\csname l@\CurrentOption\endcsname\relax \expandafter\let\csname l@\CurrentOption\endcsname\l@friulan \fi \@namedef{captions\CurrentOption}{% \def\prefacename{Prefazion}% \def\refname{Riferiments}% \def\abstractname{Somari}% \def\bibname{Bibliografie}% \def\chaptername{Cjapitul}% \def\appendixname{Zonte}% \def\contentsname{Tabele gjener\^al}% \def\listfigurename{Liste des figuris}% \def\listtablename{Liste des tabelis}% \def\indexname{Tabele analitiche}% \def\figurename{Figure}% \def\tablename{Tabele}% \def\partname{Part}% \def\enclname{Zonte(is)}% \def\ccname{Cun copie a}% \def\headtoname{Par}% \def\pagename{Pagjine}% \def\seename{cjale}% \def\alsoname{cjale ancje}% \def\proofname{Dimostrazion}% \def\glossaryname{Glossari}% } \@namedef{date\CurrentOption}{% \def\today{\number\day\space di\space\ifcase\month\or Genâr\or Fevrâr\or Març\or Avril\or Mai\or Jugn\or Lui\or Avost\or Setembar\or Otobar\or Novembar\or Dicembar% \fi\space dal\space\number\year}} \providehyphenmins{\CurrentOption}{\tw@\tw@} \expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{% \babel@savevariable\clubpenalty \babel@savevariable\widowpenalty \babel@savevariable\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty3000\widowpenalty3000\@clubpenalty\clubpenalty}% \expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{% \babel@savevariable\finalhyphendemerits \finalhyphendemerits50000000}% \expandafter\addto\csname extras\CurrentOption\endcsname{% \lccode`'=`'}% \expandafter\addto\csname noextras\CurrentOption\endcsname{% \lccode`'=0}% \ldf@finish\CurrentOption \endinput