The TeX Catalogue Online


Templates for TeX usage.

A set of templates for using LaTeX packages that the author uses, comprising:
– scrlttr2.tex: a letter, written with scrlttr2.cls from the KOMA-Script bundle;
– dinbrief.tex: a letter according to the German (DIN) standards, written with dinbrief.cls;
– kbrief.tex: a brief memo (‘Kurzbrief’) to accompany enclosures, as used in German offices, again based on dinbrief;
– vermerk.tex: a general form for taking down notes on events in the office; and
– diabetes.tex: a diary for the basis-bolus insulin therapy of diabetes mellitus, using scrartcl.cls from the KOMA-Script bundle.

The author is Jürgen Fenn.

License: lppl Version dated: 2009-08-26 Catalogued: 2014-02-26