The TeX Catalogue Online


Theorem environments that are shaded

Extends the \newtheorem command. If you say \newshadetheorem{theorem}{Theorem} in the preamble then your regular \begin{theorem} .. \end{theorem} will produce a theorem statement in a shaded box. It supports all the options of \newtheorem, including forms \newshadetheorem{..}[..]{..} and \newshadetheorem{..}{..}[..].

Environments declared using the package require their body to remain on one page; the mdframed package can frame and shade theorems, and its environments break at the end of a page; users are generally recommended, therefore, to use mdframed.

The author is Jim Hefferon. The package is Copyright © 1999 Jim Hefferon.

License: lppl Catalogued: 2012-08-18