PostScript lacks a lot of basic operators such as tan, acos, asin, cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh, exp (with e base). Also (oddly) cos and sin use arguments in degrees.
Pst-math provides all those operators in a header file with wrappers pst-math.sty and pst-math.tex.
In addition, sinc, gauss, gammaln and bessel are implemented (only partially for the latter). The package is designed essentially to work with pst-plot but can be used in whatever PS code (such as pstricks SpecialCoor "!", which is useful for placing labels).
The package also provides a routine SIMPSON for numerical integration and a solver of linear equation systems.
The authors are Christophe Jorssen and Herbert Voß.
License: lppl Version: 0.62 Catalogued: 2013-09-30