Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
The jmlr bundle provides a class for authors (jmlr) and a class for production editors (jmlrbook), as well as a script makejmlrbook
The jmlrbook class may can be used to combine articles written using the jmlr class into a book. The class uses the combine class and the hyperref package to produce either a colour hyperlinked book for on-line viewing or a greyscale nonhyperlinked book for printing.
The makejmlrbook Perl script can be used to create the colour hyperlinked and greyscale nonhyperlinked PDFs of a document using the jmlrbook class. It can also create a set of HTML files that list the included papers with links to their abstracts and the individual articles as PDFs.
The author is Nicola Talbot. The package is Copyright © 2010 Nicola Talbot.
License: lppl Version: 1.18 Catalogued: 2014-02-26