\relax This is file padalt.mtx, part of vfinst. Its purpose is to set up acceptable kerning information for the alternate fonts in the Adobe Garamond (pad) font family. It should also serve as a template for making use of other alternate fonts in other font families (Acaslon, Monotype Bulmer, etc.). The alternate afm diles for this family use Adobe Standard Encoding---hiss, booo--- instead of meaningful glyph names. That is `ct' is called `c', and so on. This may take additional work on the part of the user. For additional info, see either or both of the vinst docs and the book `TeX Unbound' (Alan Hoenig, Oxford Univ Pr, 1998). \metrics \setcommand\Setrightkerning#1#2#3{ \ifisglyph{#1}\the\setrightkerning{#1}{#2}{#3}\fi} \setcommand\Setleftkerning#1#2#3{ \ifisglyph{#1}\the\setleftkerning{#1}{#2}{#3}\fi} \setleftkerning#1#2#3{ \ifisglyph{#1}\then\setkern{#1}{#2}{#3}\fi} \Setleftkerning{aswash}{a}{1000} \Setleftkerning{ct}{c}{1000} \Setrightkerning{ct}{t}{1000} \Setleftkerning{eswash}{e}{1000} \Setleftkerning{nswash}{n}{1000} \Setleftkerning{rswash}{r}{1000} \Setleftkerning{st}{s}{1000} \Setrightkerning{st}{t}{1000} \Setleftkerning{tswash}{t}{1000} \Setleftkerning{tswashalt}{t}{1000} \Setleftkerning{vswash}{v}{1000} \endmetrics