fontpath=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/malayalam fonts="AnjaliOldLipi Dyuthi Kalyani Meera Rachana RaghuMalayalamSans Suruma" default: clean compile all: clean compile test webfonts compile: # generate ttf files from sfd files @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ ./ $${font}/$${font}.sfd; done install: */*.ttf # copy ttf files to system font directory @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ install -D -m 0644 $${font}/$${font}.ttf ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath}/$${font}.ttf; done # copy fontconfig configuration files to system fontconfig configuration directory install -D -m 0644 malayalam-fonts.conf ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.avail/67-malayalam-fonts.conf if ! [ -d ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.d ]; then mkdir ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.d; fi ln -sf ../conf.avail/67-malayalam-fonts.conf ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.d/67-malayalam-fonts.conf uninstall: # remove fonts from system font directories @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ if [ -f ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath}/$${font}.ttf ]; then rm -f ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath}/$${font}.ttf; fi \ done # remove fontconfig configuration files from system fontconfig configuration directory if [ -f ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.d/67-malayalam-fonts.conf ]; then \ rm ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.d/67-malayalam-fonts.conf; fi if [ -f ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.avail/67-malayalam-fonts.conf ]; then \ rm ${DESTDIR}/etc/fonts/conf.avail/67-malayalam-fonts.conf; fi if [ -d ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath} -a -z "$(ls -A ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath})" ] ; then rmdir ${DESTDIR}/${fontpath}; fi clean: # remove ttf fonts @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ if [ -f $${font}/$${font}.ttf ]; then rm -f $${font}/$${font}.ttf; fi \ done @rm -rf tests/*.pdf webfonts; test: compile # Test the fonts @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ echo "Testing font $${font}";\ hb-view $${font}/$${font}.ttf --debug --text-file tests/tests.txt --output-file tests/$${font}.pdf; \ done webfonts: compile # generate webfonts @for font in `echo ${fonts}`; \ do \ mkdir -p webfonts/$${font}; \ sfntly -w $${font}/$${font}.ttf webfonts/$${font}/$${font}.woff; \ sfntly -e -x $${font}/$${font}.ttf webfonts/$${font}/$${font}.eot; \ echo "Webfonts generated for $${font}"; \ done