-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2012 12:25:21 +0000 Source: mlv Binary: libmlv-dev libmlv Architecture: source amd64 Version: 0.6.713-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Adrien Boussicault Changed-By: Boussicault Description: libmlv - A simplified multimedia library in C for beginners. libmlv-dev - A simplified multimedia library in C for beginners. Changes: mlv (0.6.713-1) unstable; urgency=low . * API : * The sound api has been completly rewritten. * Add an animation API. * Add an xml API to read xml file. * Add a path API to work with paths. * Lots of name uniformisations have been performed. * Suppresion of the anglicism evenement in the API. Only headers have been modified. MLV_evenement.h become MLV_event.h. * Simplification of the family of MLV_draw_adapted_box functions. * Examples : * Renumbering of the examples ( the numbers contain always 2 digits ) * Add a new example explaining how to use the transparency in the MLV library. * Add the example 07_time.c who explain how to use time functions * Add the example 09_full_screen.c who explain how to use the fullscreen mode * Add a new example 09_library_informations explaining how to get informations about the MLV librairy. * Add a new example 08_zone_click explaining how to use MLV_get_pixel_on_image to perform zone click. * Add a new example 09_animation explaining how to use animation framework. ( man MLV_animation.h ) * Add a new example 10_read_xml_file explaining how to read and use xml files. * Correction of the display result of the medium demo 6_color.c. Now the demo print the alpha composant of the Color. * Correction of a bug in the demo program medium/6_color.c. The range of the color component do not arrive to 255 due to floor approximations. * Documentation : * The internet URL present in the file tp5graph.pdf has been corrected. * A Contact paragraph has been added in the MLV Documentation. * An html api of the MLV library has been added in the documentation. This api is generated automatically by doxygen. * Documetation explaining how to use MLV with Dev-c++ has been wrotten. * Documetation explaining how to install the MLV Library on Mac OS X has been wrotten. * Documetation explaining how to create installation package for Mac OS X has been wrotten. * Animation : * Add an animation framework. * Path : * Add a path framework. * Xml : * Add a xml framework. * General : * Add MLV_inforations.h who propose some functions giving informations about the MLV libray. For example, MLV_version() return the version of the library. * The header are now compatible with C++ compilers. User can now use the library in C++ projects. * Image : * Correction of transparence bugs in some functions working with images. * Add the support of several type of image (jpg, png, bmp, ...) Thanks to SDL_image. To load that images, developper can use MLV_load_image. LV_load_bmp_image is now deprecated, please use MLV_Load_image instead of. * When image file doesn't exist or is corrupted, MLV_load_imge doesn't crash * Add functions to create image * Add functions to save an image on a bmp format * Add MLV_get_pixel and MLV_get_pixel_on_image to get color * Add MLV_set_pixel_on_image to change a pixel overload an pixel color. * Add functions to draw text and figures on image instead of screen. information on a particular pixel inside an image. * Add functions to obtain a mirror image (horizontal or vertical). * Input function (keyboard, mouse and prompt) : * Correction of a bug in MLV_wait_mouse - when user clicked on the mouse, nothing happens. * Add a new function MLV_wait_keyboard_or_mouse_wait fusionning the MLV_wait_keyboad and the MLV_wait_mouse features. * Add a new function MLV_wait_keyboard_or_seconds, MLV_wait_mouse_or_seconds and MLV_wait_keyboard_or_mouse_or_seconds, permeting to wait an event a finite time. * Correction of a bug in MLV_wait_keyboard, unicode characters were not well supported. * Add a new function to help user to convert unicode character to caracter encoded in the local character code. * Add a new example 9_keyboard_accents to explain how to use the MLV_unicode_to_string function. * Now default font and prompt's font are equals. * Now the prompt is automatically activated when you are using the MLV_wait_prompt function. * Add MLV_activate_prompt and MLV_desactivate_prompt functions permitting * Add MLV_get_mouse_button_state, MLV_get_mouse_position and MLV_get_keyboard_state function to have direct access on devices. * The name "Prompt" have been changed in "Input_box". * Portage : * The library can build DLL for windows. * A Dev-c++ project has been created to help Dev-c++ user to use MLV library. * The library function now on MacOs X. * The library have installation packages for MacOs X. * Sound : * Sound has been written from scratch. * Text : * Bugs of the size evaluation of boxed texts have been removed. * Time : * Add framerate functions permitting to delay the CPU processor and to have a fixed Frame per second. * The MLV_wait_event, MLV_wait_keyboard and MLV_wait_mouse doesn't take all the cpu processor now. * Add a new time function returning the current date * Window : * Add the fullsScreen mode. * Add some functions to obtain and change the size of the window and to activate the fullscreen mode. * Add some functions to change the default font. * Bugs of the "Error detected by the function unlockPromptInformation()" has been removed. * System : * Documentation is now compiled only when there is changements. Now the make install do not create any file or directory if a make stage has been yet performed. That means that ./configure && make && sudo make install; function now correctly. * The MLV library can be build in different directories (not only the source directory). * Developper : * Use of a config.h file in the autotool chain. 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