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(addr: %s)%s, failed to connect socket. Error: %d%s, ... connected, handshaking%s, handshake failed.%s, handshaked%s, RTMP connect failed.%s, Setting socket timeout to %ds failed!%s, failed to create socket. Error: %d%s, received: bytes read report%s, received: server BW%s, received: client BW%s, flex stream send, size %lu bytes, not supported, ignoring%s, flex shared object, size %lu bytes, not supported, ignoring%s, flex message, size %lu bytes, not fully supported%s, received: notify %lu bytes%s, shared object, not supported, ignoring%s, received: invoke %lu bytesStream corrupt?!%s, unknown packet type received: 0x%02xӦ3Q| e%s, RTMP socket closed by server%s, RTMP send error %d (%d bytes)%s, failed to send connect RTMP packetconnectappflashVerswfUrltcUrlfpadcapabilitiesaudioCodecsvideoCodecsvideoFunctionpageUrlbgHasStreamcreateStreamFCSubscribe: %sFCSubscribedeleteStreampauseseek_checkbw_resultplay%s, sending play: %ssending ping. type: 0x%04x%s, Sanity failed. no string method in invoke packet%s, error decoding invoke packet%s, server invoking <%s>%s, received result for method call <%s>onBWDoneonFCSubscribe_onbwcheck_errorrtmp server sent errorclosertmp server requested closeonStatuscodelevel%s, onStatus: %sNetStream.FailedNetStream.Play.FailedNetStream.Play.StreamNotFoundNetConnection.Connect.InvalidAppNetStream.Play.CompleteNetStream.Play.Stop%.0f%.2fTRUEFALSE%stimestamp:%.2fINVALID TYPE 0x%02x %-22s%s %s: %s, error decoding meta data packetonMetaDataMetadata: %s duration%s, received: chunk size change to %d%s, received ping. type: %d, len: %d%s, SWFVerification ping received: %s: Ignoring unsupported SWFVerification request%s, failed to read RTMP packet header%s, failed to read RTMP packet header 2nd byte%s, failed to read RTMP packet header 3rd byte%s, m_nChannel: %0x%s, failed to read RTMP packet header. type: %x%s, failed to allocate packet%s, failed to read RTMP packet body. len: %lusanity failed!! tring to send header of type: 0x%02x.%s: couldn't send rtmp headerm_nBufferSize == 0%s, recv returned %d. GetSockError(): %dvector::_M_insert_aux bool RTMP_LIB::CRTMP::FillBuffer()FillBufferSendRTMPReadPacketHandlePingHandleChangeChunkSizeHandleMetadataHandleInvokeSendPlayConnectWriteNReadNGetNextMediaPacketbool RTMP_LIB::CRTMP::Connect(int, char*, unsigned int, char*, char*, char*, char*, char*, char*, char*, char*, double, double, bool, long int)Connect@@.@@o@@@~xԞ ~N8RTMP_LIB5CRTMPE%s, invalid type. %d   $  h AMFObject.cpppStr != 0%s, string reference, index: %d, not supported, ignoring!empty buffer/no buffer pointer!AMF3_OBJECTAMF3_XML_DOCAMF3_NUMBERAMF3_DATE reference: %d, not supported!%s - AMF3 unknown/unsupported datatype 0x%02x, @0x%08XIIXo&~2~%s: Empty buffer/no buffer pointer!%s: Not enough data for decoding with name, less then 4 bytes!%s: Name size out of range: namesize (%d) > len (%d) - 2AMF_MOVIE_CLIP not supported!AMF_REFERENCE not supported!AMF_DATEAMF_LONG_STRING not tested!AMF_RECORDSET not supported!AMF_XML not supported!AMF_CLASS_OBJECT not supported!AMF_AMF3_OBJECT to be tested!%s - unknown datatype 0x%02x, @0x%08X!N2PProperty: INVALIDProperty: NULLno-name.Property: Name: %25s, NUMBER: %.2fTRUEFALSEBOOLEAN: %sSTRING: %sDATE: timestamp: %.2f, UTC offset: %dINVALID TYPE 0x%02xProperty: <%s%s>AMFObject::Encode - failed to encode property in index %dAMF3 Object encapsulated in AMF stream does not start with 0x0A!Object reference, index: %dClass reference: %dClass name: %s, externalizable: %d, dynamic: %d, classMembers: %dMember: %sExternalizable, TODO check%s, failed to decode AMF3 property!DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTEclass object!DECODING ERROR, IGNORING BYTES UNTIL NEXT KNOWN PATTERN!vector::_M_insert_auxAMF3DecodeDecodeAMF3Decodeint AMF3ReadString(const char*, char**)Encode~)) fT  N8RTMP_LIB19AMF3ClassDefinitionEN8RTMP_LIB17AMFObjectPropertyEN8RTMP_LIB9AMFObjectERTMP PACKET: packet type: 0x%02x. channel: 0x%02x. info 1: %d info 2: %d. Body size: %lu. body: 0x%02x43d3N8RTMP_LIB10RTMPPacketECouldn't reallocate memory!ignoring too small video packet: size: %dignoring too small audio packet: size: %donMetaDataChecked keyframe successfully!Found keyframe with resume-keyframe timestamp!FLV Stream: Keyframe doesn't match!Non skipable packet since it doesn't end with chunk, stream corrupt!First packet does not contain keyframe, all timestamps are smaller than the keyframe timestamp, so probably the resume seek failed?Couldn't find the seeked keyframe in this chunk!Stream does not start with requested frame, ignoring data... Stream does not start with requested FLV frame, ignoring data... Wrong data size (%lu), stream corrupted, aborting!No tagSize found, appending!Got Play.Complete or Play.Stop from server. Assuming stream is complete Caught signal: %d, cleaning up, just a second... --quiet-qv1.8kFLVStreamer %s (c) 2009 Andrej Stepanchuk, The Flvstreamer Team, license: GPL This program streams the flv media content from an rtmp server to stdout. --help|-h Prints this help screen. --rtmp|-r url URL (e.g. rtmp//hotname[:port]/path) --host|-n hostname Overrides the hostname in the rtmp url --port|-c port Overrides the port in the rtmp url --protocol|-l Overrides the protocol in the rtmp url (0 - RTMP) --playpath|-y Overrides the playpath parsed from rtmp url --swfUrl|-s url URL to player swf file --tcUrl|-t url URL to played stream (default: "rtmp://host[:port]/app") --pageUrl|-p url Web URL of played programme --app|-a app Name of player used --auth|-u string Authentication string to be appended to the connect string --flashVer|-f string Flash version string (default: "%s") --live|-v Save a live stream, no --resume (seeking) of live streams possible --subscribe|-d string Stream name to subscribe to (otherwise defaults to playpath if live is specifed) --flv|-o string FLV dump file --resume|-e Resume a partial RTMP download --timeout|-m num Timeout connection num seconds (default: %lu) --start|-A num Start at num seconds into stream (not valid when using --live) --stop|-B num Stop at num seconds into stream (or duration of live stream to play) --hashes|-# Display progress with hashes, not with the byte counter --buffer|-b Buffer time in milliseconds (default: %lu), this option makes only sense in stdout mode (-o -) --skip|-k num Skip num keyframes when looking for last keyframe to resume from. Useful if resume fails (default: %d) --quiet|-q Supresses all command output. --verbose|-x Verbose command output. --debug|-z Debug level command output. If you don't pass parameters for swfUrl, pageUrl, app or auth these properties will not be included in the connect packet. Number of keyframes skipped must be greater or equal zero, using zero!Number of skipped key frames for resume: %dBuffer time must be greater than zero, ignoring the specified value %d!Unknown protocol specified: %dCouldn't parse the specified url (%s)!unknown option: %c hveqxzr:s:t:p:a:f:o:u:n:c:l:y:m:k:d:A:B:#You must specify a hostname (--host) or url (-r "rtmp://host[:port]/playpath") containing a hostnameYou must specify a playpath (--playpath) or url (-r "rtmp://host[:port]/playpath") containing a playpathYou haven't specified a port (--port) or rtmp url (-r), using default port 1935You haven't specified a protocol (--protocol) or rtmp url (-r), using default protocol RTMPCan't resume in stdout mode, ignoring --resume optionCan't resume live stream, ignoring --resume optionCouldn't load sockets support on your platform, exiting!%s://%s:%d/%sSetting buffer time to: %.3f secr+bCouldn't read FLV file header!Invalid FLV file!FLV file contains neither video nor audio, aborting!Resuming audio only stream!Invalid FLV file: missing first prevTagSize!First prevTagSize is not zero: prevTagSize = 0x%08X%s, error decoding meta data packetdurationFile has duration: %fCouldn't locate meta data!Unexpected start of file, error in tag sizes, couldn't arrive at prevTagSize=0Couldn't read prevTagSize from file!Couldn't find keyframe to resume from!Last tag size must be greater/equal zero (prevTagSize=%d) and smaller then filesize, corrupt file!Couldn't read header!Couldn't read last keyframe, aborting!Last keyframe found at: %d ms, size: %d, type: %02XLast keyframe is first frame in stream, switching from resume to normal mode!wbFailed to open file! Connecting ... Can't seek in a live stream, ignoring --start optionCan't seek a resumed stream, ignoring --start optionAlready Completed Failed to connect! Connected...Already Completed at: %.3f sec Duration=%.3f sec Starting download at: %.3f kB / %.3f sec (%.1f%%) Starting download at: %.3f kB For duration: %.3f sec %s: Failed writing FLV header, exiting!Couldn't obtain FLV header, exiting!%s: Failed writing, exiting!# %.3f kB / %.2f secDetected that buffer time is less than duration, resetting to: %dms %.3f kB / %.2f sec (%.1f%%) Stop offset has been reached at %.3f sec Writing data type: %02XCouldn't resume FLV file, try --skip %dDownload complete Download may be incomplete (downloaded about %.2f%%), try --resume Closing connection.Exit code: %d [GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGjFDDmDF{FGBGGCDF~DFYFeGE7FHFF`DGqGD}GhelphostportprotocolplaypathrtmpswfUrltcUrlpageUrlappauthflashVerliveflvresumetimeoutbufferskipsubscribestartstophashesdebugquietverboseĜhɜnΜcӜlܜyrstpaufvoe!m)b0k5d?AEBJ#QzWq]xmain@@8@Y@$@@X@parseurl.cppurl != 0 && protocol != 0 && host != 0 && port != 0 && playpath != 0 && app != 0Parsing...://RTMP URL: No :// in url!rtmprtmptrtmpsrtmpertmfprtmpteUnknown protocol! Parsed protocol: %dNo hostname in URL!:?/Parsed host : %sHostname exceeds 255 characters!Parsed port : %dPort number is longer than 5 characters!No application or playpath in URL!slist=ondemand/Parsed app : %s&.f4v.mp4.flvNo playpath found!mp4:Parsed playpath: %sNo playpath in URL!bool ParseUrl(char*, int*, char**, unsigned int*, char**, char**)%s: Type Answer : %02X%s: Type mismatch: client sent %d, server answered %d%s: Server Uptime : %d%s: FMS Version : %d.%d.%d.%d%s, client signiture does not match!HandShake;8 &4X t  < I  $ +@ \ x  \ T  , H d    0 T x   h @,P tn "$*+|,13b3h3 n3<X4t\999:::$;@;\>>> ADB`C C C C C D4D DDE`EXF|(FFFFFG,rHPHp3KPKKKKRL$ZL@tL\LxLL MjM~MM M<MX.N|NNNNO6O,XOHOl P-PPPPQ$Q0QTZTxTTTTTT VU@U\UxUUVV0V?V NV<V\VxVW4WlWvWX$NX@}X\XxXXXXY4Y NY<TYXYtQZwZZZZ[$ [@1[\[[(\D\_\z\\,\H\d\4]:]D]p]] ](]D]`]|^2^H^R^^^$^@^\^x_I__ `0 0aT ax b (c c jd!e,!eP!Dft!f!dg!g!h!h"*h4"6hP"Phl"\h"hh"xh"gj"Ik"l#|o0#zuT#xt#Rx#x#.y#y#y$Lz<$z`${|$\|$$$&%< %<%X%)@) ,&@&&&$'@,'RH'fd'Ċ''؍''@((8(FT(^p(q((ҏ(׏()L\)hx)))))h* *ޑ<*X*x**G*3* +A*HP+l++*+ +@+P,zPR|  mAB m<%LAB aXU%AB t^'AB l AB ]AB XAB XYAB AB $iAB @kAB \9!AB x9AB  9AB 8AB 8AB AB zPLR|  $AB b HTAB b l[AB U ([AB U `[6AB UAB AB ~AB ,p-AB HAB dAB ;AB AB BAB  7 TAB Q AB W d3AB W @t AB K d GCAB W 4 kpAB ] | GAB W AB K  AB K .AB K <b"AB K `oOAB K %AB f &AB O4)AB   5AB a 5#AB (5yAB  D2AB Q h e\AB O N!AB K"#OAB V#AB @#AB *#AB  05AB <#AB X(1AB t(QAB )-AB  ")AB I)AB )AB PF*AAB $l*?AB @*5AB \*AB \x@+AB V+AB ZN,FAB x,EAB  ,$AB o /AB J( 0AB D 3AB  `3[AB K 3AB  3AB  3#AB G 3AB G 4AB K 5pAB K8 j5QAB RX 7AB t 7sAB  7AB  7AB  7e&AB p &8AB  8AB $ 8AB @ 8&AB G\ 86AB Gx (8,AB J 88]AB G z8AB  r8!AB  x8AB  d8AB  \8q2AB R D 8k>AB vh 8+AB G 9,AB G 9AB  8!AB  9AB  9!AB   9LAB R4 n9'AB P z9#AB Gl 9]AB G 9&AB G 9AB  98AB J 9!AB  9]hAB I  &:tAB Y@<0AB \<AB x<'AB <AB <AB <AB <_AB I=7AB $*=AB @"=/AB \6=AB x)=!AB .=AB ,=AB $=AB =AB  =_AB I$I=AB @G=AB \3=DAB K|W=!AB \=8AB Jx= AB f=AB J=2AB J>/AB $>(AB @&>AB \>AB x>AB =&AB  >AB >%AB  >AB  >AB  =8AB  <>AB N`>&AB |>AB >AB >%AB >>AB >AB >%AB  $>AB NHT?AB d@?DAB Kd?AB d?AB c?AB b?8AB ~?!AB ?AB ,m?AB Hd?HAB d?AB z? 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