NAME Perl::Exactly - ensures exactly version of perl SYNOPSIS use Perl::Exactly 5.005; # ensures perl is 5.005 use Perl::Exactly 5.016; # ensures perl is 5.016, but doesn't "use strict" and "use feature" DESCRIPTION Perl::Exactly ensures that perl interpreter matches to required version exactly. If running perl doesn't match required version then Perl::Exactly finds it using Perl/, and executes script again on it. When exactly version of perl not found, script will die. INSTALLATION 1. Copy Perl/ and Perl/ to @INC directory. CONFIGURATION 1. Edit Perl/ to define paths of perls. SAMPLE of Perl/ # Configuration file of Perl/ +{ # DOS-like system ($^O =~ m/\A (?: MSWin32 | NetWare | symbian | dos ) \z/oxms) ? ( 5.005 => 'C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe', 5.006 => 'C:/Perl56/bin/perl.exe', 5.008 => 'C:/Perl58/bin/perl.exe', 5.010 => 'C:/Perl510/bin/perl.exe', 5.012 => 'C:/Perl512/bin/perl.exe', 5.014 => 'C:/Perl514/bin/perl.exe', 5.016 => 'C:/Perl516/bin/perl.exe', 5.018 => 'C:/Perl518/bin/perl.exe', 5.020 => 'C:/Perl520/bin/perl.exe', 5.022 => 'C:/Perl522/bin/perl.exe', 5.024 => 'C:/Perl524/bin/perl.exe', 5.026 => 'C:/Perl526/bin/perl.exe', 5.028 => 'C:/Perl528/bin/perl.exe', 5.030 => 'C:/Perl530/bin/perl.exe', 5.032 => 'C:/Perl532/bin/perl.exe', 5.034 => 'C:/Perl534/bin/perl.exe', 5.036 => 'C:/Perl536/bin/perl.exe', 5.038 => 'C:/Perl538/bin/perl.exe', ) : # UNIX-like system ( 5.005 => '/path/to/perl/5.005/bin/perl', 5.006 => '/path/to/perl/5.006/bin/perl', 5.008 => '/path/to/perl/5.008/bin/perl', 5.010 => '/path/to/perl/5.010/bin/perl', 5.012 => '/path/to/perl/5.012/bin/perl', 5.014 => '/path/to/perl/5.014/bin/perl', 5.016 => '/path/to/perl/5.016/bin/perl', 5.018 => '/path/to/perl/5.018/bin/perl', 5.020 => '/path/to/perl/5.020/bin/perl', 5.022 => '/path/to/perl/5.022/bin/perl', 5.024 => '/path/to/perl/5.024/bin/perl', 5.026 => '/path/to/perl/5.026/bin/perl', 5.028 => '/path/to/perl/5.028/bin/perl', 5.030 => '/path/to/perl/5.030/bin/perl', 5.032 => '/path/to/perl/5.032/bin/perl', 5.034 => '/path/to/perl/5.034/bin/perl', 5.036 => '/path/to/perl/5.036/bin/perl', 5.038 => '/path/to/perl/5.038/bin/perl', ) } __END__ SEE ALSO ina - CPAN BackPAN - A Complete History of CPAN