# Statocles::Plugin::Highlight::Kamelon A plugin for the static website generator Statocles that adds an alternative syntax highlighter. Source code and configuration examples in Markdown files are highlighted with Syntax::Kamelon. %= highlight Perl => begin print "hello, world\n" %end %= highlight Perl => include -raw => 'hello.pl' ## DEPENDENCIES Requires Perl 5.16 and the modules Statocles and Syntax::Kamelon from CPAN. ## INSTALLATION Run the following commands to install the software: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Type the following command to see the module usage information: perldoc Statocles::Plugin::Highlight::Kamelon ## LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2023 Andreas Vögele This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.