# POE-Wheel-Run-DaemonHelper Helper for the POE::Wheel::Run for easy controlling logging of stdout/err as well as restarting with backoff. A small example. ```perl use strict; use warnings; use POE::Wheel::Run::DaemonHelper; use POE; my $program = 'sleep 1; echo test; derp derp derp'; my $dh = POE::Wheel::Run::DaemonHelper->new( program => $program, status_syslog => 1, status_print => 1, restart_ctl => 1, status_print_warn => 1, # this one will be ignored as the second one is already warning status_syslog_warn => 1, ); $dh->create_session; POE::Kernel->run(); ``` ## Install Requirements... - POE - Algorithm::Backoff - Error::Helper - Sys::Syslog Via CPANM ``` cpanm POE::Wheel::Run::DaemonHelper ``` Or source... ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ```