i3-desktop i3 Desktop applications for a complete i3 desktop phils3r style home:seilerphilipp extended applications Packages for several GUI application I use and other home Projects which will be send to Factory/Upstream when the packages are stable and clean enough. Also used to copy packages from other home projects to use them for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/seilerphilipp/openSUSE_13.2/ games:tools Tools for Gamers Level editors, server browsers, pixel art tools, asset extractors etc. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games:/tools/openSUSE_13.2/ games openSUSE Games https://en.opensuse.org/Games http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games/openSUSE_13.2/ openSUSE:13.2 Test setup for 13.2 This is really just a snapshot of Factory, but we need it to adapt the tools to later test and accept requests to it. http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/13.2/repo/oss/ metatheme-greybird-common The metatheme-greybird-common package The metatheme-greybird-common package. dmenu The dmenu package The dmenu package. lxappearance The lxappearance package The lxappearance package. xlockmore The xlockmore package The xlockmore package. i3 The i3 package The i3 package. i3status The i3status package The i3status package. redshift The redshift package The redshift package. xbacklight The xbacklight package The xbacklight package. pidgin The pidgin package The pidgin package. feh The feh package The feh package. MozillaFirefox The MozillaFirefox package The MozillaFirefox package. claws-mail The claws-mail package The claws-mail package. evilvte VTE based, super lightweight terminal emulator VTE based, super lightweight terminal emulator Features * tabs * tabbar autohide * right click to switch encoding * supports almost all VTE features (option list) (changelog) * build-time configuration pulseaudio-ctl Control pulseaudio from the command line Simple bash script to allow for control of pulseaudio without alsautils. pasystray PulseAudio system tray A replacement for the deprecated padevchooser Pasystray allows setting the default PulseAudio source/sink and moving streams on the fly between sources/sinks without restarting the client applications. blueman GTK+ Bluetooth Manager Blueman is designed to provide simple, yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as: * Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up * Connecting to/Creating bluetooth networks * Connecting to input devices * Connecting to audio devices * Sending/Receiving/Browsing files via OBEX * Pairing vim-plugin-colorschemes The vim-plugin-colorschemes package The vim-plugin-colorschemes package. zsh The zsh package The zsh package. i3lock The i3lock package The i3lock package. pavucontrol The pavucontrol package The pavucontrol package. mirage A lightweight image viewer for GTK Mirage is a fast and simple GTK+ image viewer. Because it depends only on PyGTK, Mirage is ideal for users who wish to keep their computers lean while still having a clean image viewer. redshift The redshift package The redshift package. puddletag The puddletag package The puddletag package. faenza-icon-theme The faenza-icon-theme package The faenza-icon-theme package. faenza-icon-theme-mint The faenza-icon-theme-mint package The faenza-icon-theme-mint package. pidgin-otr The pidgin-otr package The pidgin-otr package. cmus The cmus package The cmus package. mplayer The mplayer package The mplayer package. vlc The vlc package The vlc package.