lxde-qt Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment", is an extremely faster, performing and energy saving desktop environment. home:magist3r:lxde-qt LXDE-Qt Qt port of LXDE. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/magist3r:/lxde-qt/openSUSE_13.1/ openSUSE:13.1 Official 13.1 openSUSE distribution This project builds the official 13.1 openSUSE distribution. Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:13.1 for more details. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/13.1/standard/ lxqt-common Default configuration files for LXDE-Qt desktop session Default configuration files for LXDE-Qt desktop session lightdm The lightdm package The lightdm package. lightdm-gtk-greeter The lightdm-gtk-greeter package The lightdm-gtk-greeter package. lxmenu-data A tool to build desktop menu for LXDE-Qt LXSession is the default X11 session manager of LXDE-Qt. This package provides files required to build freedesktop.org menu spec-compliant desktop menus for LXDE-Qt. lxsession LXDE Session Manager, required for running the desktop environment LXSession is the standard session manager used by LXDE. The LXSession manager is used to automatically start a set of applications and set up a working desktop environment. Moreover, the session manager is able to remember the applications in use when a user logs out and to restart them the next time the user logs in. menu-cache A tool speed up menus Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the manipulation for freedesktop.org defined application menus. It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus. oxygen-icon-theme The oxygen-icon-theme package The oxygen-icon-theme package. openbox The openbox package The openbox package. obconf The obconf package The obconf package. pcmanfm-qt File manager and desktop icon manager PCManFM-Qt is the Qt port of the LXDE file manager PCManFM lxqt-globalkeys Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration lxqt-runner Launch applications quickly by typing commands Tool used to launch programs quickly by typing their names lxqt-panel Desktop panel for LXDE-Qt Desktop panel for LXDE-Qt lxqt-notificationd Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration NetworkManager The NetworkManager package The NetworkManager package. NetworkManager-gnome The NetworkManager-gnome package The NetworkManager-gnome package.