Sugar Honey Activities The main set of sugar activities A large set of activities for sugar, commonly refered to by the sugar taxonomy, honey. X11:Sugar Sugar is the core of the OLPC Human Interface. Sugar is the core of the OLPC Human Interface. Its goal is to turn the Laptop into a fun, easy to use, social experience that promotes sharing and learning. Sugar reinvents how computers can be used for education. Sugar promotes sharing, collaborative learning, and reflection. Through Sugar's clarity of design, children and their teachers have the opportunity to use computation on their own terms; they are free to reshape, reinvent, and reapply both software and content into powerful learning activities. Sugar is a community project; it is based on GNU/Linux, a free and open-source operating system. openSUSE:Factory The next openSUSE distribution Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you. Staging dashboard is located at: Have a look at for more details. sugar-read Read activity The read activity for Sugar sugar-cartoonbuilder The sugar-cartoonbuilder package The sugar-cartoonbuilder package. sugar-connect Connect for Sugar The Connect activity implements the game of Connect-4 as a two-player game. Additional participants can watch the game, and will have a chance to play the winner of the current game. sugar-flipsticks-activity Using keyframes, program a stick figure to twist, turn, tumble and dance Flipsticks is a NEW keyframe animation activity that lets you pose and program a stick figure to walk, run, rotate, twist, tumble and dance. You can save your animations to the journal and will soon be able to share them via the mesh. Flipsticks can be used to explore concepts in geometry, computer programming and animation; it helps develop spatial and analytical thinking skills. This is a WorldWideWorkshop project. sugar-joke-machine-activity Start a multimedia jokebook and invite your friends to add jokes to it Joke Machine allows XO users to start a multimedia jokebook with images and sound effects and invite others to read their jokes via the mesh. Friends can also submit their own jokes to a shared jokebook. The jokebook author can edit and reject all submissions. This is a WorldWideWorkshop project. sugar-memorize Memorize for Sugar The game memorize is about finding matching pairs. A pair can consist of any multimedia object. At the moment these are images, sounds and text but this could be extended to animations or movie snippets as well. Which pairs do match is up to the creator of the game. Memorize is actually more than just a predefined game you can play, it allows you to create new games yourself as well. sugar-maze Maze for Sugar A simple maze game for the XO laptop. You can play by yourself or race to solve it with your buddies. Up to 3 people can play on a single XO laptop and lots more can play when shared over the network. sugar-implode Implode for Sugar Implode is a logic game based on the "falling block" model of Tetris. The game starts with a grid partially filled with blocks. The player makes a move by removing adjacent blocks of the same color in groups of three or more. When blocks are removed, higher blocks fall to fill their space, and when a column is cleared, the blocks on either side close to fill the gap. The object of the game is to remove all the blocks. Since the patterns of blocks above changes when lower blocks are removed, the player must carefully decide what order in which to remove the blocks so that there are no isolated blocks left at the end of the game. The levels are generated in such a way that there is always a sequence of removals that clears the board. sugar-paint-activity Simple paint activity for Sugar The Draw activity will provide a canvas for an individual or a group of children to express themselves creatively through drawing. Oficina (the Paint Activity) was developed and adapted to the XO using Python for the team NATE-LSI (Integrated Systems Laboratory), in the Polytechnical School at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. sugar-pippy Python programming activity for Sugar Teaches Python programming by providing access to Python code samples and a fully interactive Python interpreter. The user can type and execute simple Python expressions. For example, it would be possible for a user to write Python statements to calculate expressions, play sounds, or make simple text animation. The initial build ships with about twenty short Python examples covering various aspects of the language. sugar-playgo Go for Sugar The PlayGo activity implements Go a strategic board game for two players. Go originated in ancient China, centuries before its earliest known references in 5th century BC writing. It is mostly popular in East Asia but has nowadays gained some popularity in the rest of the world as well. Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. sugar-slider-puzzle-activity Slider Puzzle to improve on puzzle solving skills Slider Puzzle is a classic logic game that challenges a player to slide tiles around to form a picture or pattern. This digital version provides a fun context for learners to explore basic functions of the XO, learn problem solving skills, and develop creative projects that reflect understanding of a topic they are studying. This is a WorldWideWorkshop project. sugar-speak The talking face that speaks out what you type Speak is a talking face for the XO laptop. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the XO's speech synthesizer, espeak. You can adjust the accent, rate and pitch of the voice as well as the shape of the eyes and mouth. This is a great way to experiment with the speech synthesizer, learn to type or just have fun making a funny face for your XO. sugar-turtleart Pseudo-Logo graphical programming language for Sugar Turtle Art is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical "turtle" that draws colorful art based on Scratch-like snap-together visual programming elements. There are many restrictions compared to LOGO. The two allowed user-defined procedures can't have parameters. Only two numeric global variables are available, no lists or other data-structures. You can't make user defined functions which return a value. The conditionals and some of the functions only take constants or variables, not expressions. Limited screen real-estate makes building large programs unfeasible. sugar-moon Moon phases activity for sugar Moon is a simple Lunar phase activity for the XO. sugar-clock Clock activity for Sugar This activity displays time in analog, digital, and "natural" forms. The "natural" form will be an image of a sun or moon arcing across the sky, rising and setting as the day progresses. This is more than a simple clock; the user will be able to grab any element and readjust it, which will update each of the other elements. In this manner, hopefully the children can explore and understand different methods of telling time. sugar-xoirc The sugar-xoirc package The sugar-xoirc package. sugar-xomail Xomail for Sugar Mail activity for the Sugar Desktop. sugar-fiftytwo Set of card games including Go Fish, Crazy Eight, Hearts and Solitaire FiftyTwo is a set of card games, such as Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Hearts, Solitaire, and maybe eventually games like Eucher or Spades. It is written in Python using the pygame library. In the not-too-distant-future, FiftyTwo will support mesh play with up to four players (for games like Hearts or Spades), and it already supports single-person play against the computer (basic AI play), and multi-player (on the same computer) play. sugar-help Help and Dokumentation for Sugar The Help activity provides a quick interface to help documentation on the XO. It currently launches a browser and displays html documents describing how to use the XO and the Sugar interface. sugar-imageviewer Image viewer activity for Sugar The Image viewer activity for Sugar. sugar-drgeo-activity Programmed Euclidean Geometry for Sugar Dr. Geo II is a complete rewrite of Dr. Geo 1.1 GTK for the Squeak/Smalltalk environment. Dr. Geo II is available for the XO laptop and PC workstations (GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OSX). Dr. Geo is a project of the OFSET, Organisation for Free Software in Education and Teaching. See DrGeo 1.1 GTK page to know more about it. sugar-jukebox Audio and video player The Audio and video player for Sugar. sugar-analyze Analysing tool for Sugar The Analyze activity helps developers analyze their system. Along with Log Viewer and Terminal, one of three activities that used to make up the developer console.