Enlightenment_17 Enlightenment 17 Fast modular window manager. X11:Enlightenment:Factory Enlightenment 17 and EFL devel project Devel project of E17 and EFL libraries for openSUSE integration. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/X11:/Enlightenment:/Factory/SLE_11_SP4/ SUSE:SLE-11:SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 base. To be used for SLES 11 SP4 and SLED 11 SP4 packages This repository contains the status of GA. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-11:/SP4/standard/ e17 The e17 package The e17 package. efreet The efreet package The efreet package. terminology The terminology package The terminology package.