* Root Menu definition for WindowMaker
* Syntax is:
* is any string to be used as title. Must be enclosed with " if it
* has spaces
* SHORTCUT specifies a shortcut for that item. has the
* same syntax of the shortcuts key options in the
* $HOME/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker file, such as RootMenuKey or MiniaturizeKey.
* You can't specify a shortcut for a MENU or OPEN_MENU entry.
* one of the valid commands:
* MENU - starts (sub)menu definition
* END - end (sub)menu definition
* OPEN_MENU - opens a menu from a file, pipe or directory(ies) contents
* and eventually precede each with a command.
* WORKSPACE_MENU - adds a submenu for workspace operations. Only one
* workspace_menu is allowed.
* EXEC - executes an external program
* SHEXEC - executes a shell command (like gimp > /dev/null)
* EXIT - exits the window manager
* RESTART [] - restarts WindowMaker or start another
* window manager
* REFRESH - refreshes the desktop
* ARRANGE_ICONS - rearranges the icons on the workspace
* SHUTDOWN - kills all clients (and close the X window session)
* SHOW_ALL - unhides all windows on workspace
* HIDE_OTHERS - hides all windows on the workspace, except the
* focused one (or the last one that received focus)
* SAVE_SESSION - saves the current state of the desktop, which include
* all running applications, all their hints (geometry,
* position on screen, workspace they live on, the dock
* or clip from where they were launched, and
* if minimized, shaded or hidden. Also saves the current
* workspace the user is on. All will be restored on every
* start of windowmaker until another SAVE_SESSION or
* CLEAR_SESSION is used. If SaveSessionOnExit = Yes; in
* WindowMaker domain file, then saving is automatically
* done on every windowmaker exit, overwriting any
* CLEAR_SESSION - clears any previous saved session. This will not have
* any effect if SaveSessionOnExit is True.
* INFO - shows the Info Panel
* OPEN_MENU syntax:
* 1. File menu handling.
* // opens file.menu which must contain a valid menu file and inserts
* // it in current position
* OPEN_MENU file.menu
* 2. Pipe menu handling.
* // opens command and uses it's stdout to construct menu.
* // Command's output must be a valid menu description.
* // The space between '|' and command itself is optional.
* OPEN_MENU | command
* 3. Directory handling.
* // Opens one or more directories and construct a menu with all
* // the subdirectories and executable files in them sorted
* // alphabetically.
* OPEN_MENU /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...]
* 4. Directory handling with command.
* // Opens one or more directories and construct menu with all
* // subdirectories and readable files in them sorted alphabetically,
* // preceding each of them with command.
* OPEN_MENU [options] /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...] WITH command -options
* Options:
* -noext strip whatever is after the last dot in the
* file name
* is the program to execute.
* ** Options for command line in EXEC:
* %s - substitute with current selection
* %a(title[,prompt]) - opens a input box with the specified title and the
* optional prompt and do substitution with what you typed
* %w - substitute with XID for the current focused window
* %W - substitute with the number of the current workspace
* You can override special characters (as % and ") with the \ character:
* ex: xterm -T "\"Hello World\""
* You can also use character escapes, like \n
* Each MENU statement must have one mathching END statement at the end.
* Example:
* "Test" MENU
* "XTerm" EXEC xterm
* // creates a submenu with the contents of /usr/openwin/bin
* "XView apps" OPEN_MENU "/usr/openwin/bin"
* // some X11 apps in different directories
* "X11 apps" OPEN_MENU /usr/X11/bin $HOME/bin/X11
* // set some background images
* "Background" OPEN_MENU -noext $HOME/images /usr/share/images WITH wmsetbg -u -t
* // inserts the style.menu in this entry
* "Style" OPEN_MENU style.menu
* "Test" END
#include "wmmacros"
"Aplicații" MENU
"Informații" MENU
"Panou cu Informații" INFO_PANEL
"Panou cu Licența" LEGAL_PANEL
"Consola Sistem" EXEC xconsole
"Încărcarea Sistemului" SHEXEC xosview || xload
"Lista Proceselor" EXEC xterm -e top
"Navigator de Pagini Man" EXEC xman
"Informații" END
"Execută..." SHEXEC %a(Execută,Introduceți o comandă:)
"XTerm" EXEC xterm -sb
"Rxvt" EXEC rxvt -bg black -fg white -fn -misc-fixed-medium-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2 -fb -misc-fixed-medium-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
"Spații de Lucru" WORKSPACE_MENU
"Aplicații" MENU
"Grafică" MENU
"Gimp" SHEXEC gimp >/dev/null
"XV" EXEC xv
"XPaint" EXEC xpaint
"XFig" EXEC xfig
"Grafică" END
"Manager de Fișiere" EXEC xfm
"Fisiere OffiX" EXEC files
"LyX" EXEC lyx
"Netscape" EXEC netscape
"Ghostview" EXEC ghostview %a(GhostView,Enter file to view)
"Acrobat" EXEC /usr/pkg/Acrobat3/bin/acroread %a(Acrobar,Enter PDF to view)
"TkDesk" EXEC tkdesk
"Aplicații" END
"Editoare" MENU
"XFte" EXEC xfte
"XEmacs" SHEXEC xemacs || emacs
"XJed" EXEC xjed
"NEdit" EXEC nedit
"Xedit" EXEC xedit
"VI" EXEC xterm -e vi
"Editoare" END
"Altele" MENU
"Xmcd" SHEXEC xmcd 2> /dev/null
"Xplaycd" EXEC xplaycd
"Xmixer" EXEC xmixer
"Altele" END
"Utilitare" MENU
"Calculator" EXEC xcalc
"Proprietățile Ferestrei..." SHEXEC xprop | xmessage -center -title 'xprop' -file -
"Navigator de Fonturi" EXEC xfontsel
"Emulator de Terminal" EXEC xminicom
"Lupă" EXEC xmag
"Culori" EXEC xcmap
"Omoară Fereastra..." EXEC xkill
"Clipboard" EXEC xclipboard
"Utilitare" END
"Selecție" MENU
"Copiază" SHEXEC echo '%s' | wxcopy
"Poștă către" EXEC xterm -name mail -T "Pine" -e pine %s
"Navighează" EXEC netscape %s
"Caută în Manual" SHEXEC MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)
"Selecție" END
"Spațiu de Lucru" MENU
"Ascunde Celelalte" HIDE_OTHERS
"Arată Tot" SHOW_ALL
"Aranjează Iconițele" ARRANGE_ICONS
"Reîmprospătează" REFRESH
"Blochează" EXEC xlock -allowroot -usefirst
"Salvează Sesiunea" SAVE_SESSION
"Șterge Setările de Sesiune" CLEAR_SESSION
"Spațiu de Lucru" END
"Configurare" MENU
"Teme" OPEN_MENU -noext THEMES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle
"Stiluri" OPEN_MENU -noext STYLES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle
"Seturi de Icoane" OPEN_MENU -noext ICON_SETS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets WITH seticons
"Fundal" MENU
"Solid" MENU
"Negru" WS_BACK '(solid, black)'
"Albastru" WS_BACK '(solid, "#505075")'
"Indigo" WS_BACK '(solid, "#243e6c")'
"Bleumarin" WS_BACK '(solid, "#224477")'
"Violet" WS_BACK '(solid, "#554466")'
"Gălbui" WS_BACK '(solid, "wheat4")'
"Gri Închis" WS_BACK '(solid, "#333340")'
"Vișiniu" WS_BACK '(solid, "#400020")'
"Solid" END
"Gradientat" MENU
"Apus" WS_BACK '(mvgradient, deepskyblue4, black, deepskyblue4, tomato4)'
"Cer" WS_BACK '(vgradient, blue4, white)'
"Gradient Albastru" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#7080a5", "#101020")'
"Gradient Indigo" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#746ebc", "#242e4c")'
"Gradient Violet" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#654c66", "#151426")'
"Gradient Gălbui" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#a09060", "#302010")'
"Gradient Gri" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#636380", "#131318")'
"Gradient Vișiniu" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#600040", "#180010")'
"Gradientat" END
"Imagini" OPEN_MENU -noext BACKGROUNDS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t
"Fundal" END
"Salvează Tema" SHEXEC getstyle -t $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/"%a(Theme name,Enter file name:)"
"Salvează Setul de Iconițe" SHEXEC geticonset $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/"%a(IconSet name,Enter file name:)"
"Utilitar de Configurare" EXEC /usr/pkg/GNUstep/Apps/WPrefs.app/WPrefs
"Configurare" END
"Ieșire" MENU
"Repornire" RESTART
"Pornește BlackBox" RESTART blackbox
"Pornește kwm" RESTART kwm
"Pornește IceWM" RESTART icewm
"Ieși" EXIT
"Ieșire" END
"Aplicații" END