#!/usr/pkg/bin/python2.2 """ tdir - Display Formatted Directory Listings Copyright (c) 2001, TundraWare Inc., All Rights Reserved. """ # python Library Imports import getopt import os import string import sys # Version info VERSION = "$Id: tdir,v 1.58 2001/07/03 20:29:19 tundra Exp $" # Booleans FALSE = 0 TRUE = not FALSE # Output formatting constants. OWIDTH = 80 # Output width COLWIDTH = 19 # Width of each column TWIDTH = COLWIDTH - 1 # Text width MAXCOL, INDENT = divmod(OWIDTH, COLWIDTH) # No of output cols & indent PAD = " " # Padding character SEP = "." # Filename "extension" separator TRUNC = "^" # Character indicating name truncation # Defaults RECURSE = FALSE # No recursion SHOWDIR = TRUE # Show directories in listing SHOWFILE = TRUE # Show files in listing def OrderByExtension(list): ExtList = {} ExtList[""] = [] # List of files with no extension for x in list: y = string.rfind(x, SEP) if y != -1: # File has extension ext = x[y+1:] name = x[:y] if not ExtList.has_key(ext): ExtList[ext]= [] ExtList[ext].append(name) else: # File has no extension ExtList[""].append(x) return ExtList def OutputColumns(list, ISDIRLIST): col = 0 if ISDIRLIST: # If listing directory, printed length BIAS = 2 # is longer by BIAS chars than actual name else: BIAS = 0 for x in list: if col == MAXCOL: sys.stdout.write("\n") col = 0 if len(x) > TWIDTH - BIAS: x = x[:TWIDTH - BIAS - 1 ] + TRUNC if ISDIRLIST: x = "[" + x + "]" if col == 0: sys.stdout.write(INDENT * PAD) sys.stdout.write(x + (COLWIDTH - len(x)) * PAD) col += 1 sys.stdout.write("\n\n") def DisplayOutput(dir, DirList, FileList): sys.stdout.write(dir.replace("\\", "/") + ":" + "\n") if SHOWDIR or SHOWFILE : sys.stdout.write("\n") if len(DirList) > 0: DirList.sort() OutputColumns(DirList, TRUE) if len(FileList) > 0: ExtList = OrderByExtension(FileList) Ext = ExtList.keys() Ext.sort() for x in Ext: FileList = ExtList[x] if len(FileList) > 0: FileList.sort() if x == "": sep = x else: sep = SEP sys.stdout.write("{" + sep + x + "}\n") OutputColumns(FileList, FALSE) def BuildFileList (args, dir, files): DirList = [] FileList = [] for x in files: if (dir[-1] == '/') or (dir[-1] == '\\'): # This if/else sequence necessary because dirstring = dir + x # 'tdir /' did not properly report directories else: # on WinDoze32 systems which appears to dirstring = dir + "/" + x # handle '//' or '\/' in files names very well. if os.path.isdir(dirstring): if SHOWDIR: DirList.append(x) elif SHOWFILE: FileList.append(x) DisplayOutput(dir, DirList, FileList) def Usage(): UsageInfo = ( ("tdir - Copyright (c) 2001, TundraWare Inc., All Rights Reserved. \n", ""), (VERSION + "\n", ""), (" usage: tdir [-Rdfhtv] [-c #] [-s c] [-w #] [dir...] where,\n\n", ""), ("-R", "Recurse down each named directory tree\n"), ("-c #", "Column width\n"), ("-d", "Do not display directories in output\n"), ("-f", "Do not display files in output\n"), ("-h", "Display this help information\n"), ("-s c", "Separator character\n"), ("-t", "Display only the directory tree - same as -Rdf\n"), ("-v", "Display tdir version information\n"), ("-w #", "Width of output\n"), ("dir...", "List of directories to display. Defaults to ./\n") ) for x, y in UsageInfo: if len(x) < 10: # Only indent for the actual argument info sys.stdout.write(10 * PAD) sys.stdout.write(x) sys.stdout.write((8 - len(x)) * PAD) sys.stdout.write(y) # Program entry and command line processing try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-Rc:dfhs:tvw:') except getopt.GetoptError: Usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, val in opts: if opt == "-R": RECURSE = TRUE if opt == "-c": COLWIDTH = int(val) if opt == "-d": SHOWDIR = FALSE if opt == "-f": SHOWFILE = FALSE if opt == "-h": Usage() sys.exit(0) if opt == "-s": SEP = val[0] if opt == "-t": RECURSE = TRUE SHOWDIR = FALSE SHOWFILE = FALSE if opt == "-v": sys.stdout.write(VERSION + "\n") sys.exit(0) if opt == "-w": OWIDTH = int(val) if OWIDTH < COLWIDTH: sys.stdout.write("Huh? Column width exceeds output width!\n") sys.exit(2) TWIDTH = COLWIDTH - 1 # Text width MAXCOL, INDENT = divmod(OWIDTH, COLWIDTH) # No of output cols & indent if len(args) == 0: # Default to local directory if none given args = ["./"] for root in args: if not os.path.isdir(root): sys.stdout.write(root + " is not a directory!\n") sys.exit(2) if RECURSE: os.path.walk(root, BuildFileList, None) else: BuildFileList(None, root, os.listdir(root))