#!/usr/pkg/bin/perl -w # bins_edit for BINS Photo Album version 1.1.24 # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Jérôme Sautret (Jerome@Sautret.org) # # $Id: bins_edit,v 1.19 2003/07/20 14:39:02 jerome Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Type "bins_edit -h" on command line for usage information. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use UNIVERSAL qw(isa); # XML parsing & writing use XML::Grove; use XML::Grove::Builder; use XML::Grove::Path; use XML::Grove::PerlSAX; use XML::Parser::PerlSAX; #use XML::Handler::XMLWriter; use XML::Handler::YAWriter; use Text::Iconv; use HTML::Entities; my $verbose = 1; my $html=0; my $localEncoding; $localEncoding = `locale charmap`; if ($? != 0 ) { $localEncoding = "LATIN1"; } else { if (! $localEncoding or ($localEncoding eq "ANSI_X3.4-1968")) { chop($localEncoding); # ANSI is unspeakably primitive, promote it. $localEncoding = "LATIN1"; print "Forcing encoding to $localEncoding\n" if ($verbose >=2); } } my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($localEncoding, "UTF-8"); # decode HTML entites which doesn't exist in XML sub decodeEntites{ my $s = shift; my %entities = ( AElig => 'Æ', # capital AE diphthong (ligature) Aacute => 'Á', # capital A, acute accent Acirc => 'Â', # capital A, circumflex accent Agrave => 'À', # capital A, grave accent Aring => 'Å', # capital A, ring Atilde => 'Ã', # capital A, tilde Auml => 'Ä', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ccedil => 'Ç', # capital C, cedilla ETH => 'Ð', # capital Eth, Icelandic Eacute => 'É', # capital E, acute accent Ecirc => 'Ê', # capital E, circumflex accent Egrave => 'È', # capital E, grave accent Euml => 'Ë', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Iacute => 'Í', # capital I, acute accent Icirc => 'Î', # capital I, circumflex accent Igrave => 'Ì', # capital I, grave accent Iuml => 'Ï', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ntilde => 'Ñ', # capital N, tilde Oacute => 'Ó', # capital O, acute accent Ocirc => 'Ô', # capital O, circumflex accent Ograve => 'Ò', # capital O, grave accent Oslash => 'Ø', # capital O, slash Otilde => 'Õ', # capital O, tilde Ouml => 'Ö', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark THORN => 'Þ', # capital THORN, Icelandic Uacute => 'Ú', # capital U, acute accent Ucirc => 'Û', # capital U, circumflex accent Ugrave => 'Ù', # capital U, grave accent Uuml => 'Ü', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Yacute => 'Ý', # capital Y, acute accent aacute => 'á', # small a, acute accent acirc => 'â', # small a, circumflex accent aelig => 'æ', # small ae diphthong (ligature) agrave => 'à', # small a, grave accent aring => 'å', # small a, ring atilde => 'ã', # small a, tilde auml => 'ä', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ccedil => 'ç', # small c, cedilla eacute => 'é', # small e, acute accent ecirc => 'ê', # small e, circumflex accent egrave => 'è', # small e, grave accent eth => 'ð', # small eth, Icelandic euml => 'ë', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark iacute => 'í', # small i, acute accent icirc => 'î', # small i, circumflex accent igrave => 'ì', # small i, grave accent iuml => 'ï', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ntilde => 'ñ', # small n, tilde oacute => 'ó', # small o, acute accent ocirc => 'ô', # small o, circumflex accent ograve => 'ò', # small o, grave accent oslash => 'ø', # small o, slash otilde => 'õ', # small o, tilde ouml => 'ö', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark szlig => 'ß', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature) thorn => 'þ', # small thorn, Icelandic uacute => 'ú', # small u, acute accent ucirc => 'û', # small u, circumflex accent ugrave => 'ù', # small u, grave accent uuml => 'ü', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark yacute => 'ý', # small y, acute accent yuml => 'ÿ', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark # Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96) copy => '©', # copyright sign reg => '®', # registered sign nbsp => "\240", # non breaking space # Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14) iexcl => '¡', cent => '¢', pound => '£', curren => '¤', yen => '¥', brvbar => '¦', sect => '§', uml => '¨', ordf => 'ª', laquo => '«', 'not' => '¬', # not is a keyword in perl shy => '­', macr => '¯', deg => '°', plusmn => '±', sup1 => '¹', sup2 => '²', sup3 => '³', acute => '´', micro => 'µ', para => '¶', middot => '·', cedil => '¸', ordm => 'º', raquo => '»', frac14 => '¼', frac12 => '½', frac34 => '¾', iquest => '¿', 'times' => '×', # times is a keyword in perl divide => '÷', ); while (my($entity, $char) = each(%entities)) { $s =~ s/\&$entity\;/$char/g; } return $s; } sub charac_indent{ my $n = shift(@_); my $s="\n"; for (1..$n){ $s .= " "; } return XML::Grove::Characters->new ( Data => $s ); } sub setField{ my $field = shift(@_); # field to add or modify my $value = shift(@_); # value to set to field my $fileType = shift(@_); # type of file (iamge or album) my $document = shift(@_); # XML document as a Grove if (! $html) { $value = encode_entities($value, '\00-\31<&"'); } my $characters = XML::Grove::Characters->new( Data => decodeEntites($value)); #my $characters = XML::Grove::Characters->new ( Data => $value ); my $fieldName; my $fieldValue; foreach my $element (@{$document->at_path('/'.$fileType.'/description')->{Contents}}) { if (isa($element, 'XML::Grove::Element') && $element->{Name} eq "field") { $fieldName = $element->{Attributes}{'name'}; $fieldValue = ""; if ($fieldName eq $field) { print " Modifying field '$fieldName' to '$value'... " if ($verbose >= 3); @{$element->{Contents}} = ( charac_indent(3), $characters, charac_indent(2)); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 3); return; } } } print " Adding field '$field' with value '$value'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my $element = XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'field', Contents => [charac_indent(3), $characters, charac_indent(2)], Attributes => {"name" => $field}); push @{$document->at_path('/'.$fileType.'/description')->{Contents}}, (charac_indent(2), $element, charac_indent(1)); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } sub setFields{ my $file = shift(@_); my $fields = shift(@_); my $album = shift(@_); # type of file (0 if image or 1 if album) my $document; my $fileType; if ($album) { $fileType = "album"; } else{ $fileType = "image"; } if (-e $file) { # Get XML document as a Grove print " Reading file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my $grove_builder = XML::Grove::Builder->new; my $parser = XML::Parser::PerlSAX->new ( Handler => $grove_builder ); $document = $parser->parse ( Source => { SystemId => $file } ); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } else { print " Creating file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my @elements; push @elements, (charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'description', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'bins', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), ); if (!$album) { push @elements, ( charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'exif', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), ); } push @elements, charac_indent(0); my $element = XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => $fileType, Contents => \@elements); $document = XML::Grove::Document->new ( Contents => [ $element ] ); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 3); } my $fieldName; my $fieldValue; while ( ($fieldName, $fieldValue) = each(%$fields) ) { if (defined $fieldValue) { setField($fieldName, $fieldValue, $fileType, $document); } } print " Writing file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); # Write the Grove to the desc file my $fileHandler = new IO::File; open($fileHandler, '>', $file) or die("Cannot open file $file to write Exif tag ($!)"); binmode($fileHandler, ":utf8"); my $my_handler = new XML::Handler::YAWriter( 'Output' => $fileHandler, # 'Escape' => { # '--' => '—', #'&' => '&', # }, 'Encoding' => "UTF-8", ); # my $my_handler = XML::Handler::XMLWriter->new( Output => $fileHandler, # Newlines => 0); $document->parse(DocumentHandler => $my_handler); close ($fileHandler) || bail ("can't close $file ($!)"); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } sub copyleft{ print "\nbins_edit for BINS Photo Album 1.1.24 (http://bins.sautret.org/)\n"; print "Copyright © 2001,2002 Jérôme Sautret (Jerome\@Sautret.org)\n"; print "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"; print "See COPYING file for details.\n\n"; } sub usage{ my $exit=shift; # should we exit after usage information ? copyleft(); print <BINS is cool' file.jpg Set the title short description and sample image of the album in the current directory (note the dot as final parameter): bins_edit -a -t "My Album" --sample image.jpg --shortdesc "This is my album" . EoF exit 1; } sub main{ my %values; my $album = 0; # 1 if it a album description file # process args Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); GetOptions('t|title:s' => \$values{title}, 'e|event:s' => \$values{event}, 'l|location:s' => \$values{location}, 'p|people:s' => \$values{people}, 'y|date:s' => \$values{date}, 'd|description:s' => \$values{description}, 'longdesc:s' => \$values{longdesc}, 'shortdesc:s' => \$values{shortdesc}, 'sample:s' => \$values{sampleimage}, 'g|generic=s%' => \%values, 'm|html' => \$html, 'a|album' => \$album, 'v|verbose+' => \$verbose, 'q|quiet' => sub { $verbose = 0 }, 'h|help' => sub { help() }, 'copyright' => sub { copyleft() }, ) or usage(1); my @files; if ($#ARGV < 0) { if ($album) { @files = ("."); } else { print "No files specified.\n"; usage(1) } } else { @files = @ARGV; } copyleft() if ($verbose >=2); foreach my $file (@files) { if ($album) { $file .= "/album.xml"; } if ($file !~ m/.xml$/) { $file .= ".xml"; } print "Processing file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 1); print "\n" if ($verbose >= 2); setFields($file, \%values, $album); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose == 1); } } main();