.\" $NetBSD: spawn.8,v 1.5 2025/02/25 19:15:43 christos Exp $ .\" .TH SPAWN 8 .ad .fi .SH NAME spawn \- Postfix external command spawner .SH "SYNOPSIS" .na .nf \fBspawn\fR [generic Postfix daemon options] command_attributes... .SH DESCRIPTION .ad .fi The \fBspawn\fR(8) daemon monitors a TCP or UNIX\-domain stream socket, configured in \fBmaster.cf\fR with a service type \fBinet\fR or \fBunix\fR. This daemon spawns an external command whenever a connection is established, with the standard input, output and error file descriptors connected to the remote client. The command process is subject to the time limit specified with the parameter \fItransport\fR_time_limit (default: command_time_limit) where \fItransport\fR equals the service name field in master.cf. A process that exceeds the time limit will receive a SIGKILL signal. The \fBspawn\fR(8) daemon service typically has a process limit > 1 in its \fBmaster.cf\fR service definition, so that the number of processes can scale with demand. .SH "COMMAND ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX" .na .nf .ad .fi The external command attributes are given in the \fBmaster.cf\fR file at the end of a service definition. The syntax is as follows: .IP "\fBuser\fR=\fIusername\fR (required)" .IP "\fBuser\fR=\fIusername\fR:\fIgroupname\fR" The external command is executed with the rights of the specified \fIusername\fR. The software refuses to execute commands with root privileges, or with the privileges of the mail system owner. If \fIgroupname\fR is specified, the corresponding group ID is used instead of the group ID of \fIusername\fR. .IP "\fBargv\fR=\fIcommand\fR... (required)" The command to be executed. This must be specified as the last command attribute. The command is executed directly, i.e. without interpretation of shell meta characters by a shell command interpreter. .sp If a command argument must contain whitespace, or if a command argument must begin with "{", enclose the argument with "{" and "}". This form will ignore whitespace after the outer "{" and before the outer "}". Example: .sp .fi argv=/bin/sh \-c { shell syntax here } .SH DIAGNOSTICS .ad .fi The \fBspawn\fR(8) daemon reports abnormal child exits. Problems are logged to \fBsyslogd\fR(8) or \fBpostlogd\fR(8). .SH "SECURITY" .na .nf .fi .ad The \fBspawn\fR(8) daemon needs root privilege in order to execute external commands as the specified user. It is therefore security sensitive. However, the \fBspawn\fR(8) daemon does not receive data from or about service clients or external commands, and thus is not vulnerable to data\-driven attacks. .SH "CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS" .na .nf .ad .fi Changes to \fBmain.cf\fR are picked up automatically as \fBspawn\fR(8) processes run for only a limited amount of time. Use the command "\fBpostfix reload\fR" to speed up a change. The text below provides only a parameter summary. See \fBpostconf\fR(5) for more details including examples. In the text below, \fItransport\fR is the first field of the entry in the \fBmaster.cf\fR file. .SH "RESOURCE AND RATE CONTROL" .na .nf .ad .fi .IP "\fBtransport_time_limit ($command_time_limit)\fR" A transport\-specific override for the command_time_limit parameter value, where \fItransport\fR is the master.cf name of the message delivery transport. .SH "MISCELLANEOUS" .na .nf .ad .fi .IP "\fBconfig_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" The default location of the Postfix main.cf and master.cf configuration files. .IP "\fBdaemon_timeout (18000s)\fR" How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to handle a request before it is terminated by a built\-in watchdog timer. .IP "\fBexport_environment (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" The list of environment variables that a Postfix process will export to non\-Postfix processes. .IP "\fBipc_timeout (3600s)\fR" The time limit for sending or receiving information over an internal communication channel. .IP "\fBmail_owner (postfix)\fR" The UNIX system account that owns the Postfix queue and most Postfix daemon processes. .IP "\fBmax_idle (100s)\fR" The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix daemon process waits for an incoming connection before terminating voluntarily. .IP "\fBmax_use (100)\fR" The maximal number of incoming connections that a Postfix daemon process will service before terminating voluntarily. .IP "\fBprocess_id (read\-only)\fR" The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon process. .IP "\fBprocess_name (read\-only)\fR" The process name of a Postfix command or daemon process. .IP "\fBqueue_directory (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" The location of the Postfix top\-level queue directory. .IP "\fBsyslog_facility (mail)\fR" The syslog facility of Postfix logging. .IP "\fBsyslog_name (see 'postconf -d' output)\fR" A prefix that is prepended to the process name in syslog records, so that, for example, "smtpd" becomes "prefix/smtpd". .PP Available in Postfix 3.3 and later: .IP "\fBservice_name (read\-only)\fR" The master.cf service name of a Postfix daemon process. .SH "SEE ALSO" .na .nf postconf(5), configuration parameters master(8), process manager postlogd(8), Postfix logging syslogd(8), system logging .SH "LICENSE" .na .nf .ad .fi The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. .SH "AUTHOR(S)" .na .nf Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA Wietse Venema Google, Inc. 111 8th Avenue New York, NY 10011, USA